Resto vs Destro Staff Light Heavy

I am trying to figure out if when using just heavy and light attacks from resto and destro; what are the advantages of the destro? Resto gives the healing an ally thing on a heavy and it seems they both give back magicka on a heavy attack, but does destro give a noticeable boost to DPS to compensate the lack of the heal resto gives?
  • kelly.medleyb14_ESO
    Always heavy.
  • technohic
    Always heavy.

    Right. Was just wanting to stress damage from basic non-spells

    To go with this, is there a DPS difference between the three types of destros?

  • Sheuib
    The first passive on destro staff adds a benefit which is different for each type of staff and the 4th passive charges heavy attacks faster. So those two passives should increase dps when using a destro staff. How much of a difference it makes I do not know.
  • Lhorion
    Depends on the situation:

    Resto heavy: restores magica and ignores blocking
    Destro heavy: restore (a little bit) magica, can be blocked (expect lightning)

    Resto light: quick projectile
    Destro light: normal projectile

    Some samage rotations use light attack skipped by the best damage skill. If you use the undaunted armour you can skip heavy attacks (from all destro staffs expect lighting) for doing more damage.
    Sometimes a light attack is better than a heavy (with resto i mean) because the light attack is a projectile. Against S&B user with the S&B reflect you can use 1x light attack and after that your damage projectile. So your damage projectile wont be reflected.
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