Can I go Heavy or is Medium Armour too good for most rolls 1.6.2?

Am I missing too much in damage by not going Medium Armor rather than Heavy?

My main has been a Light Armor Sorc staff wielding type. I want to start a new character that rushes into the middle of the fight a lays down AoE dmg while holding his own and can easily spec to good group support. It'll probably be a Templar although I considering a DK. I spend most of my time in PvE and see this character primarily as support roll in PvP.

So, can I accomplish this as a heavy armor wearer without struggling in these rolls or should I just plan Med Armor or carrying both with me?

Also, given this aim, what kind of resource focus would you want, Stamina, Magica, or balanced for both?

Thanks for any and all feedback!!
  • Lord_Draevan
    If you go 7/7 Medium, you'll get 12% more damage and 21% more Critical Chance than with heavy. Heavy is okay for melee DPS, but medium is the better of the two.
    I'm a man of few words. Any questions?
    NA/PC server
  • pikapp515_ESO
    wow, that was fast. Thanks Draevan.

    Yah, I've scoured forum posts, videos and Deltia's website, but I guess I'm just hoping it's doable.

    It's my understanding that 1.6 nerfed crit chance and it's effect significantly, in that you've got to focus on crit to make it matter (at least for PvP). I'll probably focus on reinforce and damage upgrades in response.

    Also, isn't the 12% only on weapon damage, so no ability damage, but just light and heavy attacks.... no magicka or stamina based spell/abilities receive the boon.. right?

    Finally, Blazing Shield in the Templar's Blazing Spear skill line intrigues me with a focus on high health. Heavy Armor certainly supports that niche.
  • Lord_Draevan
    My current character is a Templar, Aedric Spear, 7/7 Heavy Armor, Two-Handed, every attribute point in Magicka. It's working well so far, Jabs/Cleave/Shards for mobs, Javelin for knockback, Reverse Slash once they get low health enough and Radial Sweep for Ultimate.
    I'm a man of few words. Any questions?
    NA/PC server
  • Brasseurfb16_ESO
    wow, that was fast. Thanks Draevan.

    Yah, I've scoured forum posts, videos and Deltia's website, but I guess I'm just hoping it's doable.

    It's my understanding that 1.6 nerfed crit chance and it's effect significantly, in that you've got to focus on crit to make it matter (at least for PvP). I'll probably focus on reinforce and damage upgrades in response.

    Also, isn't the 12% only on weapon damage, so no ability damage, but just light and heavy attacks.... no magicka or stamina based spell/abilities receive the boon.. right?

    Finally, Blazing Shield in the Templar's Blazing Spear skill line intrigues me with a focus on high health. Heavy Armor certainly supports that niche.

    On PTS, the Dexterity passive gives 10,5% critical chance instead of the current 21% on Live. But you get a 10% base Weapon/Spell critical chance and you can increase it by 12% further with the Ritual CP tree. So, even with the small nerf on sets and Medium Armour, your weapon critical rating should be even higher once patch 1.6 comes Live.

    Weapon damage on the otherhand increases your damage with all weapon abilities and basic attacks (Class abilities scale with spellpower). But unlike what Lord_Draevan suggests, you won't get 12% more damage but rather 12% extra weapon damage which scales differently with each weapon abilities.

    Note that with the upcoming patch, abilities will scale the following way :
    - If it cost magicka : Spell Power, Spell Critical Chance, Max Magicka
    - If it cost stamina : Weapon Power, Weapon Critical Chance, Max Stamina
    With a couple of exceptions of course like Radiant Ward, which scales of Health, but otherwise thats how it should work in the future.

    Right now, on Live, some Melee abilities like Jabs, Veiled Strike, Ambush, ... scale of Spell Power, Weapon Critical Chance, Max Magicka.
    Edited by Brasseurfb16_ESO on 18 February 2015 01:03
  • Khivas_Carrick
    Next week it changes, everything changes.

    As for class abilities in 1.6, some will scale off of stamina and weapon power/damage, so that bonus from medium armor and the CP system will count towards those abilities.
    Bobbity Boop, this game might become poop, but I'll still play because I'm just a pile of goop!
  • Zershar_Vemod
    I've always used Heavy on my magicka NB and worked fine, but with the latest update, looks like I'll be going to Medium as well. I solo whatever I'm doing and just started Craglorn, so I'm juts hoping that the downgrade from heavy-medium doesn't affect my survivability too much. :P
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