Honestly, I've been stepping more and more out of the game to avoid the issue of bots swarming the material nodes that I frequent for my own crafting needs. I've gotten so tired of issuing report, after report, after report that I simply don't care to log in until the issue has been resolved. I've seen very few game masters logging in to do anything about them, and many of the problematic areas with these bot-swarms could be glitch-fixed if enough time was given. Had the company taken a bit more time to test things out, we would have noticed these issues first hand, but most of us did not have the time to take notice of it over the three days each phase we were given. I feel that Zenimax Online needs to take on a stronger role against buying and selling of gold and materials from in-game on outside, unsanctioned markets. One of the biggest reasons these bots exist is because of the supply and demand being just right to nurture the need for spending real money, on virtual items. I'd love to see ZOS take a stronger position against spamming, botting, and buying virtual items that they technically own in-game. But I also would like to see them break this market entirely until they find and fix every one of the loopholes these bots have been using. Speedhacks, teleportation hacks, and phasing terran hacks seem to be the most prominently used at this moment in time. I don't care if they bring down the servers for upwards to a month to fix it, as long as we players get our dues for waiting for the repairs and to have our gametime frozen until it's safe from the RTM abusers.
Please feel free to respond with suggestions, or ideas that might help ZOS and their development team. I really want to play this game, but at this moment in time I'm so fed up with the bots and the spamming I just want to hole up in a corner away from it all. I don't know if there are other players that share this sentiment, but I would hope others understand where I am coming from with this.
Edited by DragonMother on 15 May 2014 20:16
Demi, Adult female, Guild leader, Roleplayer & TES enthusiast
Inactive until further notice. I trust my instincts, more than I trust other peoples opinions.Four years, and still present. Sanguine still lives.
Should Zenimax Online take stronger measures against bots and buyers? 14 votes
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