Yea wrong forum whatever I live here. This is my ebonpact story, a story about delicious honeycombs and kuta soup.
Honeycomb: 120gp each. Big stacks I'll pay even more, 15,000gp for a stack of 100.
Red wheat: 60gp each. Big stacks ill pay more.
Rekuta: 600gp each.
Kuta: 1300gp each.
Mail to Axer
CoD, ill pay any fees.
NA Server.
Cool ppl that send me lots I'll also help out with whatever i can, higher rates, game knowledge, uber dungeon runs, blacksmithing, cooking, etc. I lead a small guild of very skilled, successful players that can do all craftings, but we want to hire the masses to help us gather, and pay good rates.
Axer. Main tank and Leader of Crush it! (NA-EP highly skilled trials guild)