Ok, I purchased the game, purchased the digital upgrade and at first I was able to play fairly well (as in technically, not my skill). Since new update patch or since I upgraded (seems like could be possibly either as as option) I have not been able to stay logged in more than 15 - 30 mins, unable to complete or do quests at times ( the "E" button show but when I click E nothing happens) , sometimes cant run, call my horse ect ect. just push commands but nothing happens..
I will go to areas and see no npc or no fellow players , get booted off for whatever reason, and when I log back in there is npc and fellow characters in the area.
On mission with Doshia mission, I couldnt attack even if I hit buttons nor would she attack me as well as couldnt log out or quit because of being in combat eventually leading to a random death as if game was playing in background or on server by itself.
I have spent 80$ on a game that I do like alot and want to play, I just cant figure out why I'm unable to play alot (mainly today for some reason)
I have a great gaming pc that is more than capable with ssd drive, 16 gig ram, 8 core Amd processor, 2gig video card and cooling products... my internet is pinging at 8 with 32 mbps download and 11 mbps upload, Im updated , turn off firewall when playing... IDK.
Is this a common issue? Or just something I am experiencing ?
Edited by tragikzombie on 6 May 2014 18:46