Craft while leveling - worth it?

Hi guys,

Was wondering a few things about crafting. Primarily I want to know is worth bothering to craft new gear as you level to 50 or just use the drops you get until 50 then craft stuff for veteran rank grinding?

Additionally I was wondering do the motifs allow me to craft gear in the style of the veteran gear shown on the character creation page? Or is that look only available to those who get drops?
  • TitusF

    Edited by TitusF on 27 April 2014 16:19
  • joshisanonymous
    My two cents is that it seems like a hassle to wait until max level to start leveling up your crafting. I guess it might work if you can find the mats for sale and then leap-frog with another person, but there are just so many mats and drops that come up while leveling that it seems like a huge waste to just throw them all to the vendors when you could be leveling up your crafts.

    Also, and possibly a more important point, researching traits takes a long, long, long time. That is to say, I've had the passive for reducing the research time and researching two items at once for 3 weeks or so and I'm likely not even halfway through researching traits, especially since some items have a 7 day wait for researching, which will go up still.
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  • PBpsy
    It depends I had used some crafted items as I leveled up but in the end it was mostly found. The reason was the repair cost I could have created better stuff that I was finding but due to repairs I used lvl 1-50 armor as disposable diapers once it was at 0 durability it was destroyed for mats and crafting exp. I didn't care about type and used whatever gave me the most stats at the moment.I am creating most of my stuff In VR.

    The armor you see at character creation I think is the VR10 legendary armor in the racial motif. The visual of the armors changes depending on the crafting level and on the quality of the gear . The same level armor looks different if it is white ,green blue .... So I think you can create that armor when you reach the last level in crafting and upgrade that armor to legendary. The armors begin to look somewhat like those armors before that though.It's an evolution toward that armor.
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  • Mansome
    Its absolutely worth it. Mainly due to the long research timers. However the other big reason is you will be either naked or having all kinds of miss-matched gear if you rely on just drops and quest rewards. I don't know why the devs didn't allow us to get multiple choices on quest rewards so we could cherry pick items that actually help you based on how your making your character instead of just arbitrary rewards. So unless you are going to grind public dungeons to 50 or buy stuff from others you will be naked or miss-matched or severely under-geared. Besides if you craft as you go the research will be out of the way, you will be geared and you will have tons of mats saved up so gearing at 50+ wont be so bad.
  • Krym
    I decon my broken armor, repairing while leveling is just a waste of money imho. I just craft another white till I find a green or better to replace it with.
    Edited by Krym on 27 April 2014 20:21
  • Nox_Aeterna
    Well , OP , i never really spent time crafting , i dont see the need. The gear i got from drops were enough for me to beat the content. And no , i never repaired them either , if i need i might just trade them for whites or whatever i have in my bag.

    What i did was , break all the items i got and that i could not use for research , for exp.

    So im vet1 , and my clothing/wood/metal are around 40. , i bet they will be 50 by the time i get to vet10.

    While i did not try this , i assume making your own armor like other said would have given me an edge , and you could always look nice :P? But it is not needed , not even to lvl your crafts.
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  • Shaun98ca2
    Crafting is sorta one of the most important things to level in the game.

    The game will NEVER drop legendary items. Those can only be obtained thru crafting.

    Crafting your armor allows for an armor set you wish to wear and not just whatever you find lying around.

    Pick AT LEAST 1 craft to level while you are leveling. I recommend a craft for your preferred armor type.

    At the end of the game it would be wise to have master 2-3 crafts so you can get the best weapon+gear. AGAIN the best gear can ONLY be obtained through crafting aka legendary. Epic drops might be better than crafted but you still need crafting to make those drops legendary.
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