best weapon enchantements for vampire nightblade

Just crafted some vr1 daggers and I don't really know what enchantements would be the best. thnx for help. cheers
Hota'h, Dual-wield/bow full medium armor NB Khajiit from day 1.]
  • ElSlayer
    Depends on your goals. I think you want to maximize DPS?
    Most of your damage comes from magika- or stamina-based abilities?
    @d0e1ow: There is no singular thing within a game's little ecosystem that will convince you that you hate the game, hate your life, and hate everyone around you faster than the game's official forums will.

    @TaffyIX: Life is too short to get upset by a video game.
  • AreoHotah
    ElSlayer wrote: »
    Depends on your goals. I think you want to maximize DPS?
    Most of your damage comes from magika- or stamina-based abilities?

    Yes dps but without being a glass cannon. and most of my abilities uses magicka
    Hota'h, Dual-wield/bow full medium armor NB Khajiit from day 1.]
  • Cayz88
    Soul Shriven
    Well you are a nightblade vampire with daggers you are gonna be a glass cannon. But if most of your skills are magika enchant your weapons with dmg + absorb magika, or you could get Hardening it gives you shield for 5sec. Check this site out if you didn't like what 2 I gave to you, or for further questions of the same topic.
    Edited by Cayz88 on 24 April 2014 14:33
  • AreoHotah
    Cayz88 wrote: »
    Well you are a nightblade vampire with daggers you are gonna be a glass cannon. But if most of your skills are magika enchant your weapons with dmg + absorb magika, or you could get Hardening it gives you shield for 5sec. Check this site out if you didn't like what 2 I gave to you, or for further questions of the same topic.


    Hota'h, Dual-wield/bow full medium armor NB Khajiit from day 1.]
  • Cayz88
    Soul Shriven
    Welcome :)
    Edited by Cayz88 on 25 April 2014 14:24
  • rtx
    Unresistible dmg or reduce armour.
    Also, NB vamp has really good skills to maximize dps withput being glass cannon. Haste + siphoning strikes morph [on paper it looks like both will be good enough] + rapid strikes = big life regen when you can't just use shadow cloak and omnomnom them, then drain essence, surprise attack and killer's blade. I haven't tested it, because I don't have siphoning strikes and haste and I took wrong morph of assasin's blade [still good for kiting].
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