Should they create a new crafting system?

I'm almost lvl 50 and I have single legendary blacksmith temper, yet there are players who have hundreds of stacks of these tempers and there are pictures of their inventory on sites like Forbes today.

They can ban the worst offenders but some of those materials will stay in the game as they have been traded to innocent players.

So should they just delete the current crafting system and release a new one using different materials?

I would be happy considering how clunky the current one is, and how it dosen't work at lower levels at all. (selling crafted gear).
  • Jirki88
    From what I've noticed, Hireling reliably provides the legendary blacksmith tempers. Even at first skill level hireling.

    Also, the selling crafted gear at lower level is more an impossibility due to the clunky trading system than the crafting system.
    Veritas et aequitas, et usque ad mortem.
  • Hodorius
    Bad idea!
    Dont punish everyone for the crimes of few!
  • Opioid
    Having 3/3 in the extraction skills helps as well as you will occasionally get improvement items when refining raw resources.
    It sucks that the dupers have stacks of legendary improvement materials, but hopefully Zenimax has been able to identify at least some of them and take the excess mats away or ban their accounts. Even if they haven't, it's still a finite amount of resources they stocked up on and they'll blow through it eventually. I really don't see it having a major impact in the long run.
  • ArRashid
    I got 2 ww and 1 clothing legendary improvement item after a week of using hirelings on my main.

    If anyone got hundreds (like you claim), they've been exploiting the *** out of hundreds of hacked accounts..
  • doggie
    ArRashid wrote: »
    If anyone got hundreds (like you claim), they've been exploiting the *** out of hundreds of hacked accounts..

    Some players have duped (duplicated) stacks of legendary materials,

    Read this article on Forbes (a very serious business magazine, you've probably heard of the Forbes list?)
  • Laharl_Overlord
    doggie wrote: »
    I'm almost lvl 50 and I have single legendary blacksmith temper, yet there are players who have hundreds of stacks of these tempers and there are pictures of their inventory on sites like Forbes today.

    They can ban the worst offenders but some of those materials will stay in the game as they have been traded to innocent players.

    So should they just delete the current crafting system and release a new one using different materials?

    I would be happy considering how clunky the current one is, and how it dosen't work at lower levels at all. (selling crafted gear).

    The issue of selling crafted gear has nothing to do with crafting itself. Crafting itself is a pretty good system compared to many mmo's. The trade system just happens to be horrible.
  • Salsadoom
    I like the crafting system, I do think they miscalculated drops and tempers. First came apparent on the first few days when a single person was selling 4 motifs at once, kind of made them less special.

    Also something is wrong when people had already maxed provisioning in a couple of days.
  • rioinsigniab16_ESO
    Salsadoom wrote: »
    I like the crafting system, I do think they miscalculated drops and tempers. First came apparent on the first few days when a single person was selling 4 motifs at once, kind of made them less special.

    Also something is wrong when people had already maxed provisioning in a couple of days.

    That's because of two things: the abundance of provisioning mats and the fact that progression in provisioning is far faster than blacksmithing / woodworking / clothing.
    Edited by rioinsigniab16_ESO on 20 April 2014 02:39
    How can you soar with eagles.....when you work with turkeys?
  • LastLaugh
    Hodorius wrote: »
    Bad idea!
    Dont punish everyone for the crimes of few!

    This. There will always be people who cheat whatever system they design. Imagine how long it would take to redesign the crafting system.

    I'd rather they just brought down the banhammer on anyone they catch duping. If they're going to invest that kind of effort in redesigning something, I'd rather they focused on an auction house and sorting out the inventory situation.
  • TerraDewBerry
    I think they should just go and rename all the crafting materials so that the existing duped ones don't work and can't be sold. Refund the gold innocent players lose in the process.. and everyone starts with a clean slate. (imho)
  • Casanovious
    I think they need to finish implementing the crafting system they already have - so we can make jewelry. Half of the enchantments are for jewelry which cannot be made at present. I heard you can buy it and use it at 11+ but there are enchantments for levels 1-10. Great game but not complete..
  • Iago
    Personally I like the crafting system
    That which we obtain to cheap we esteem to lightly, it is dearness only that gives everything its value.

    -Thomas Pain

  • AlexDougherty
    From the last MMO I played (SWTOR) I know that players will be unhappy with any crafting system (unless it gives them and only them the best gear in the game), so no don't create a new system, just add to the system in place.
    People believe what they either want to be true or what they are afraid is true!
    Wizard's first rule
    Passion rules reason
    Wizard's third rule
    Mind what people Do, not what they say, for actions betray a lie.
    Wizard's fifth rule
    Willfully turning aside from the truth is treason to one's self
    Wizard's tenth rule
  • aronothub17_ESO
    I agree i quite enjoy the crafting system so many options, but i do think it needs more to it. It does feel very incomplete. some trades feel worse than others alchemy being the most incomplete, but otherwise its no biggy. fact is even those duped items will vanish in time.i think so long as they fix the issue that created them in the first place and get rid of the people that cheated it will solve itself in time.
    as with many other threads i think the clunky trade system, and lack of inventory space for the number of provisioning mats you have is a bigger issue.
  • anton1nh
    From the last MMO I played (SWTOR) I know that players will be unhappy with any crafting system (unless it gives them and only them the best gear in the game), so no don't create a new system, just add to the system in place.
    there are lots o thinks i'like to see added to the system. i don't want it overhaled.
    ive been putting in time, effort and valuable items into raising my crafing skills! an iverhaul would put those to waist.

    there are a few cheaters they get perma-banned and the economy stabalizes over time.
  • Mansome
    From the last MMO I played (SWTOR) I know that players will be unhappy with any crafting system (unless it gives them and only them the best gear in the game), so no don't create a new system, just add to the system in place.
    In SWTOR they butchered the crafting system by adding in that store that took away the only thing that made crafting worthwhile. I hope they never do something that boneheaded in this game.
  • rioinsigniab16_ESO
    Mansome wrote: »
    From the last MMO I played (SWTOR) I know that players will be unhappy with any crafting system (unless it gives them and only them the best gear in the game), so no don't create a new system, just add to the system in place.
    In SWTOR they butchered the crafting system by adding in that store that took away the only thing that made crafting worthwhile. I hope they never do something that boneheaded in this game.

    SWTOR's system was crap from the start. It was a glorified vending machine that relied heavily on RNG.

    ESO's system is 100x better...though not without its little niggles.
    How can you soar with eagles.....when you work with turkeys?
  • Mansome
    Mansome wrote: »
    From the last MMO I played (SWTOR) I know that players will be unhappy with any crafting system (unless it gives them and only them the best gear in the game), so no don't create a new system, just add to the system in place.
    In SWTOR they butchered the crafting system by adding in that store that took away the only thing that made crafting worthwhile. I hope they never do something that boneheaded in this game.

    SWTOR's system was crap from the start. It was a glorified vending machine that relied heavily on RNG.

    ESO's system is 100x better...though not without its little niggles.
    The RNG part is some what of a pain, what could have helped is that they gave you a way to get what you want or a streak breaker to kind of ease the pain. Now if you want to talk about RNG nightmare you should try Aion crafting system where you have a 20% to proc the gear you make to make it worth while and then procs are used as ingredients for the next level. Like say if you want a gold sword it would be a proc of a proc of a proc. They eventually added a way to reuse the failures but only up until the blue step. But by then it was way too late. However most people dont know Aion has a streak breaker built in as sort of an exploit but its so time consuming to do. What I would like to see in ESO is allow the gear to proc when making it and we use the tempers only as a way to increase the non-proced gear. On the improvement part give it a chance to proc there as well so you could in theory get 2 improvements for the price of one.
  • Aria
    Jirki88 wrote: »
    From what I've noticed, Hireling reliably provides the legendary blacksmith tempers. Even at first skill level hireling.

    Also, the selling crafted gear at lower level is more an impossibility due to the clunky trading system than the crafting system.

    Not true (for everyone) I have yet to see one of these on my smithy hireling, but then again I only have one of each hireling if that unlike some other players.
    Silver Dragon Legion
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  • Salsadoom
    Salsadoom wrote: »
    I like the crafting system, I do think they miscalculated drops and tempers. First came apparent on the first few days when a single person was selling 4 motifs at once, kind of made them less special.

    Also something is wrong when people had already maxed provisioning in a couple of days.

    That's because of two things: the abundance of provisioning mats and the fact that progression in provisioning is far faster than blacksmithing / woodworking / clothing.

    The obvious solution to if you provide a millions mats for a profession at little risk would of been to lower the xp fixing both issues. A miscalculation on their part.
  • wrlifeboil
    doggie wrote: »
    I'm almost lvl 50 and I have single legendary blacksmith temper, yet there are players who have hundreds of stacks of these tempers and there are pictures of their inventory on sites like Forbes today.

    They can ban the worst offenders but some of those materials will stay in the game as they have been traded to innocent players.

    So should they just delete the current crafting system and release a new one using different materials?

    I would be happy considering how clunky the current one is, and how it dosen't work at lower levels at all. (selling crafted gear).

    The crafting system is good. Much better than in other mmos. About the duped crafting materials, ZOS won't ban the accounts. Those persons displaying the items from the accounts know they are safe because they in many cases bought the items on a guild store. If ZOS banned players for buying items from a guild store, even illegal duped materials, it would cast doubt on the guild store system.
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