"Metalwork as far as we know is the primary method used to make almost all dwarven crafts. We cannot, however, discount more easily destructible materials such as clay, paper, and glass from outside the scope of dwarven craftsmanship, but given the tendency of dwarven design to favor the long-lasting over the fragile, we can safely assume that at the very least metal was a heavy preference. And the metal used in all so-far-discovered dwarven relics is entirely unique to their culture."
What does the Luxury Furnisher offer this week?
The Luxury Furnisher Vendor (Zanil Theran) is located north of the bank in the Hollow City, Coldharbour and the Belkarth Festival Grounds in Craglorn.
- Dwarven Crucible, Heavy 4,000g
- Dwarven Archway, Temple 4,500g
- Dwarven Pillar, Forged 10,000g
- Dwarven Hatch, Sealed 12,000g
- Dwarven Clock, Deactivated 15,000g
- Markarth Barrier, Low 18,000g
- Dwarven Press Bed, Forge-Sized 22,000g
- Dwarven Engine, Fused 24,000g
- Blackreach Gate, Large 30,000g
- Dwarven Fountain, Forged 50,000g
New item
@Enemoriana. Ru.
Erstwhile Sanctuary as actual Dark Brotherhood Sanctuary,
Hunter's Glade as werewolf tavern (downstairs),
Strident Springs Demesne as adventurer's house.
Wishlist: Furnishing Pack: Haunted Housewares, atronach trader, attunable stations (have 21/80 sets collected), molten war torte and white gold war torte recipes.