Cannot mail items to myself.


What in the...what? Why can I not mail items to my alts? With such a small amount of limited bank space, which is shared, how is it I cannot mail items, since there are a massive amount of items you can get in this game JUST from crafting, why can I not mail items to my alts.

So lets say, if I wanted to make a ore gathering alt, I would have to siphon the ore through my bank instead of simply mailing it to the alt? Really? And why does that make sense?

Another thing, why are stack sizes not shown? Does everything stack to 100? How would we know this?

So are we paying for a beta still? Because this seems like it should have been a beta issue.
  • Razor_Sharp
    All of your characters use the same bank. Just put what you want to send in the bank and it should be there for your other characters
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