I preordered physical imperial edition from gamestop.com on February 7th. It was only last week that I got my code. I had to call and get it myself. Anyway, long story short, error 103, check my account and I have a 3 day key. I am pretty sure GS doesn't charge until they ship but the "cancel order" option is no longer available on the order. If I am paying $120, I would like to play tonight. I would like to just buy the digital version right now and jump right in but I can't if I am going to get charged for the physical version as well when they ship it on the 4th. Any advice? I am going to try GS customer support, but considering it took them 45 days to give my the wrong pre order code, I am already considering that a failure. Can I just call the bank and tell them that I don't authorize any payment from Gamestop? I actually think I might have paid with paypal..... What do I do then? Sigh.... It was supposed to be a good day.
Edited by Ompapamowmow on 31 March 2014 06:02