Got kicked out of the game and unable to log back in

Okay, so I was in the character selection screen, or I might have been loading into the game, I don't remember, when I decided to delete an outdated add-on and replace with the new version. As soon as I deleted the old add-on folder I got kicked out of the game saying "An unknown error has occurred" and now every time I try to log back in I get one of these error messages: "Error 200: Login failed. Please try again"; "Error 103: You are not entitled to play on this server"; "Error 315: Unable to connect to lobby"; "Error 201: Login failed" or "Error 301: Unable to connect to server"

Did deleting that addon folder while the game was loading bugged out the game for me, or is it just a coincidence and the servers are messed up at the moment?

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