Cant pick Imperial Race

I bought the imperial edition and it is on there but i cant make one.
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  • mpowell
    Have you entered the Imperial Key or just the early access key?
  • dakyd23
    I bought it from i didnt enter a code
  • dakyd23
    I cant even get the horse. It shows on my account that i bought the imperial edition
  • Donarion
    I bought the Imp edition from Amazon and I can't play as an Imperial either. Also can't choose the faction I want and I don't have any of the items. Guess I have to wait for the box to get the Imperial Key code.
  • Saerydoth
    I don't believe you can create an imperial with the early access code. You have to wait until the actual imperial edition is active on your account. In my case, that will be Friday when my boxed copy gets here from Amazon.
  • SMW1980b14a_ESO
    I bought Imperial Edition from Greenmangaming and I can pick an imperial.

    The only code I've gotten so far is "early access"
    Edited by SMW1980b14a_ESO on 30 March 2014 22:42
    I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones. -Albert Einstein
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