Mount doesn't appear when pressing 'H'

So.. I bought the white mount you get for 1g, initially for the first 30 seconds worked fine, then it randomly got off my mount without pressing anything, and ever since, i've not been able to recall the mount. just does nothing or makes a noise. (As if to say you can't do that right now)

I've tried changing the binding key, doesn't fix. I tried selling my current horse, and buying a new one, doesn't fix. I then logged out and waited 5 mins, and doesn't fix.

Further more I tried asking in chat if anyone else has the problem and nobody seemed to respond. A really frustrating glitch, especially since i was only 5 mins into the game..
  • Blicridd
    I'm having the same issue as well. Quite frustrating.
  • Obinio
    Thank god i'm not alone! I've already logged off lol
  • Blicridd
    Ya, as soon as I made my way to Betnikh, I lost the ability to call out my horse. I also did the same steps as you as well to no avail.
  • Omar_Comin
    It's character specific. Had it happen to the person sitting across the room. They made a new character, bought a horse and it worked fine on the new character.
  • Obinio
    What do you mean? Character specific?
  • Impetuz
    Same problem here, mine allso suddenly didnt work, after i zoned.
  • Obinio
    I really don't want to have to start again. Sad that there's still no response :(
  • ZOS_GinaBruno
    Community Manager
    Thanks everyone, we're looking into this. We just want to confirm that everyone is pressing the H key, yeah?
    Gina Bruno
    Senior Creator Engagement Manager
    Dev Tracker | Service Alerts | ESO Twitter | My Twitter
    Staff Post
  • oliveiraps
    same problem here. H key not responding. also try to bound another key but no success either.
  • KerisDoin
    I'm having the same problem, happend after i went to Betnihk, exactly the problem that Obinio explained. My hotkey at that point was "H", tried changing it but it didnt fix it.
  • Frough
    Yeah, we press the H key. Our characters, if running, slow down a bit as if they were getting on the horse, but then they speed up again and are never on it. I'm playing an argonian, but my nord friend doesn't have this problem. Maybe it's a race problem?
  • holmes.lab16_ESO
    Yup same thing. Mount was working now it won't cast. I still get the 'Cannot Cast while indoors" message when inside a building, but when i'm outside nothing happens when pressing H...
  • ZOS_GinaBruno
    Community Manager
    Ok, thanks all. We're poking around on our end now.
    Gina Bruno
    Senior Creator Engagement Manager
    Dev Tracker | Service Alerts | ESO Twitter | My Twitter
    Staff Post
  • Frough
    More information: It first started happening immediately after I transitioned to bleakrock. I traveled to bleakrock while on my mount (since I spoke with the quest giver while riding). Maybe this has something to do with it? Leaving bleakrock does not fix it.
    Edited by Frough on 30 March 2014 13:52
  • Catsocks
    Omar_Comin wrote: »
    It's character specific. Had it happen to the person sitting across the room. They made a new character, bought a horse and it worked fine on the new character.

    I am that person who he is talking about. I wanted to see if the issue was character specific and it is. I logged on another character, and bought a horse and was able to use it without issue. It's just this one character that it is not working on.

    I would delete and remake the character but we already used our rings of mara and I rather not delete this character because of it :(
  • Squiggled
    Happening to me too. A bit annoying.
  • Askeladd1
    Soul Shriven
    Well annoying
  • Obinio
    That's a shame. Yeah don't delete character, i'm sure they'll be able to do something with it. I hope anyway. I'm continuing onward lol
  • hysellplayub17_ESO
    Exact same thing has happened to me. As soon as I travel to Bleakrock, I can no longer mount. Tried relogging, changing the mount keybind, etc. and nothing seems to work.

    I did notice that if you are running and press the 'H' button, your character seems to slow down momentarily, as if they were going to mount, but the horse just never appears.
  • Impetuz
    It didnt help to relog, or restart the game.
    But it did help to die ingame, then it works again!
  • Frough
    Yup, confirmed, /stuck will kill you and let you mount.
  • Blicridd
    Dying does indeed work!
  • Squiggled
    Thanks for that Impetuz. My poor legs were hurting.
  • Wizzhare
    Ye I got the same issues you guys had...white mount will not appear after pressing "H". This happened soon as I got to Betnikh. Thx ZOS for looking into it.
  • Isyldra
    Yep, happening to me now too :( I also created an alt, bought a horse and can mount fine so It's character specific.
    Proud member of Alacrity
    Proud member of The Psijic Order
    Twitter: @Isyldra
    There's a special place in hell reserved for people who leave the worms and take the flower.
  • Valixx
    Thanks everyone, we're looking into this. We just want to confirm that everyone is pressing the H key, yeah?

  • Obsicarius
    Hey guys i have the fix as I saw it posted on another forum post when I was trying to fix another bug. To fix it you need to kill yourself. (yes, i know it sounds crazy) Just type "/stuck" in game, and when you respawn at the nearest wayshrine, it should allow you to mount once more. Goodluck guys! Keep me posted if it worked for you! :smile:
  • Pulvertomten
    Same here
  • Silverhope
    Confirmed by a friend of mine who got the mount bug. He typed /stuck and solved it
  • Obsicarius
    Same here
    Did you try "/stuck" ?

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