Maintenance for the week of February 24:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – February 24

That old crash-to-computer-login lingering

Am I the only one still regularly (at least once a week, sometimes multiple times a day) experiencing the crash-to-computer-login bug that came in with Summerset?

The one mentioned in these (and other) threads:

As the bug has gone on, I can't even just bring the game back up after logging back in and closing everything in the Activity Monitor. Now, no matter what the Activity Monitor says, the game will say I have a Launcher copy already running, and restarting the computer is the only thing that seems to fix it.

I am so tired of this bug and having to keep most of my characters out of the new zones so they don't get stuck. I already preordered High Isle, and I regret it. My computer is now at the lowest end of the supported list, and I know I'll have to make a decision on continuing to play at some point, but for the meantime, it would be great to just know if anyone else still experiences this. At least then I might be able to guess whether it's my computer/specs or not. (And honestly, since I know ZOS never properly addressed the problem anyway, I think I'm just looking for a little solidarity in suffering. :-/)

If anyone has any newer tips (beyond no full screen; no pets/companions; using houses to port instead; turning off or adjusting add-ons; etc.), I'd appreciate them. Otherwise, I will simply brace for High Isle and hope I at least get to finish the story!
Edited by ZOS_Bill on April 27, 2022 6:03PM
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