Low FPS since update 29

I'm experiencing low frames since today. Normally I get about 50-60 with my video settings set to medium, but now they are down to about 30.
I've tried changing my video settings to minimum, and disabled my addons, but to no avail

Any ideas as to why this is?
  • ZOS_Bill

    Frame rate and performance issues in ESO can be caused by different things as PC setups will vary from player to player. We recommend anyone suffering performance issues to go through our basic troubleshooting listed here. If you've gone through these steps and your performance issues continue, you should then go ahead and open a ticket with customer support. In your ticket make sure to include a game consultant report so our support team can look over your PC specifications.
    The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited - ZeniMax Online Studios
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  • macsmooth
    Same issue as you but FPS has gone from steady 60fps to 25-30fps everywhere more so when there is Npc’s and other players around and my CPU usage has increased every time, delves are better near 60fps but sluggish

    Perfect 60fps before patch after is awful, the only trouble shooting I have been able to do so far is disable out of date addons but it’s not that, I have to wait until I can get in front of a k&m before I can completely remove all addons from the equation

    This reminds me of when the mounts evolving would crash everyone around them
  • furiouslog
    I'm having issues like this, particularly in combat. I can't finish a parse on the dummy, about 10-30 seconds in it crashes to login.

    I stripped all addons off, and I was fine after that. It's definitely one of those causing the issue. I'll peek back in if I figure it out.
  • furiouslog
    It's combat metrics or one of its dependencies that was causing the issue for me.

    Edit: It was not Combat Metrics directly - CMX is flooding LibDebugLogger which is causing the frame drops and crashes. I took LibDebugLogger out and FPS went back up to the usual rates, with no crashes.
    Edited by furiouslog on 8 March 2021 20:15
  • macsmooth
    Either Zos just switched the power switch on or the fact that I have just restarted the game without using the launcher, my FPS has gone back towards 60fps a little yo-yo but smoother than what it was hopefully stays that way
  • vibeborn
    Thanks for the responses. Nothing I've tried have helped so far, so I've submitted a ticket

    However, I did have someone else look at my screen while I was playing, and they could not see any lag, even though it almost constantly said 30 fps, still it used to be at about 50-60

    I will await an answer from support
  • MyNameIsElias
    Is anyone else experiencing issues with 100% gpu usage on the character selection screen?
  • Veita
    Is anyone else experiencing issues with 100% gpu usage on the character selection screen?

    Not only on the character screen but also ingame during fights, tho this never occured before. I cannot help you, but I can approve that you aren't the only person with this problem.
  • Chilly-McFreeze
    Is anyone else experiencing issues with 100% gpu usage on the character selection screen?

    Here. And during load screens. Tabbing out, whole system lags. In another thread I was told by users that this is fine. Haven't had this before the update.
  • Reverb
    Is anyone else experiencing issues with 100% gpu usage on the character selection screen?

    Yes! Specifically on the character select screen, which is even more annoying because now we’re back to it taking up to a few minutes to login after selecting the character. Since the last patch my GPU spikes to 100% on that screen and the gpu temp skyrockets and my fans hit top speed. Once the character logs in everything returns to normal and temps drop.

    Nothing has changed in my hardware or drivers, and it only happens on the ESO character select screen and not in any other applications. And no, I’m not going to jump through any of the Zeni troubleshooting tips when this issue is so clearly localized to ESO.
    Battle not with monsters, lest ye become a monster, and if you gaze into the abyss, the abyss gazes also into you. ~Friedrich Nietzsche
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