There is a bug regarding potions when you instantly take them as soon as they get off cooldown. Basically the first time you take a potion you get the regeneration buffs as intended, but as soon as you take the potion when it comes off cooldown you only get Major Endurance for example refreshed for 10 seconds and not the full duration again, meaning after you take another pot, your regg buff only last 10 seconds. You have to let your pots run out completely so you can retake them and get the full duration again.
I made a video where you can check out what exactly happens. It's a short one and in the end I switch aswell into my character screen to show you that it is not only a visual bug. All my tests regarding stats with combat metric showed aswell that my regeneration isn't at a point where it should be.
Link to the youtube video
Edit*: I know that this issue had already been reported on pts but i thought I mention it again since it made it apparently on live
Edited by Baumlaus on 7 February 2017 11:20 Unchained Animals - EU -