Unique lich ring gives extra 270 spell damage

When i equip the Mezeleth ring (not sure how to spell it)- the unique lich ring from crypt of hearts, my spell damage increases 270 more than it should. I am on ps4 and couldnt figure how to snapshot it there and put a picture in the forums. I compared with wearing no other gear than jewelry and placing 1 spellweave ring and one unique lich ring ( both spell damaged enchanted) and mez ring gives me more
  • lolo_01b16_ESO
    Is it a visual bug or do your attacks actually do more damage in fight?
  • Panth141
    The unique rings appear to retain their original enchantments when replaced with a different enchantment - this is purely a UI error. I did some testing just after U12 to make certain that this has no actual effect - and it doesn't.
    PS4 EU - Panth141 | CP 630+
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    Perolis - Magicka Sorcerer - Enchanter/Alchemist/BwB PvP

  • HarpaxPT
    270 spell damage on character sheet isnt an original enchantment. I havent tested damage yet as i noticed it prior to bed last night
  • soll
    any unic rings are having this visual bug. I did quick tests and clearly only last attached glyph works. no reasons to be exited
    EU PC
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    EP – Sollencia
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    When you've invested time and money into a company, you have the right to be upset over changes that will negatively affect your experience and gameplay.

  • HarpaxPT
    Its not the enchantment attached.

    Spellweave ring and unique lich ring both have 174 spell damage enchant

    If i wear 1 spellweave ring then replace it with unique lich ring (nothing else equipped), my spell damage increases by 270. I get no set bonus (lich doesnt have spell bonus anyways). Also no enchantment increases by 270

    When i get home i will try to take a pic of my TV and post it
  • HarpaxPT
    Again its not the glyph

    Unique lich ring has magicka recovery enchantment. I have now made it spell damage. On character sheet it shows the +174 spell damage with an additional +270 spell damage. Nothing about double glyphs.

    I know what u arw talking about the visual dbl glyph glitch as my unqiue spell weave ring has reduce magicka cost and spell damage.

    This is something different

    I will test it tonight and post screenshots. I was hoping this was seen before and someone knew about it
  • HarpaxPT
    Ok exact number shows increase from 174 to 334 spell damage equiping mezeluth's ring versus burning spellweave ring. I have nothing else equiped but one ring. It looks like damage is same though maybe just a character sheet glitch
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