Cannot swap bars on a character ps4

I was doing vet Maw on my Breton templar healer and just before the second boss I noticed I somehow was unable to swap bars, instead, when I try to swap bars, my character simply sheaths her staff instead of swapping bars.I tried everything from re-logging, restarting my PS4, closing the app and nothing works. Before anyone asks, I had both my main bar weapon and back bar weapon equipped, so there's no way that my problem was that I took off one of my staves. One thing I found odd was that I was able to switch bars on all my other characters, but when I return to my Templar healer, the problem resumes. The problem isn't lag either, as everything runs smoothly. I tried reassigning the button to bar swap to R3 to see if that would fix the problem but to no avail. The only way I could "swap bars" was to go to my skills section and press triangle to weapon swap.
Edited by MaiWaifu on 15 November 2016 06:15
816 Champion Points
Breton Templar healer-Circe Morningstar
Redguard Nightblade DPS- Delilah at-Tariq
Imperial Dragonknight tank- Lucina Morningstar
Breton Nightblade DPS- Filia Morningstar
High Elf Sorcerer DPS- Auriella Morningstar
Dark Elf Dragonknight DPS- Seraphina Morningstar
Imperial Dragonknight DPS- Belløna
Redguard Sorcerer DPS- Nuzhimeh
Wood Elf Nightblade DPS- Littlest Leaf
Imperial Templar DPS- Alexandria Morningstar
High Elf Templar DPS- Auria Morningstar
High Elf Necromancer DPS- Alinare Morningstar
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