We are a Daggerfall Guild, looking for highly skilled PvP players. We run in small groups and take on and expect to defeat large groups. We gank, cut off reinforcements, defend and siege keeps and pretty much just kick ass all over cyrodiil and imperial city. We will stay in tight knit groups when we run together and just play the map and go where we are needed. We take keeps with 2-10 player. We will usually run in small groups of 8-12 people and have separate squads if there are more people online that want to run.
We use stealth, manevuering, ganking and all out cans of whoop ass on the battlefield. If you want to run with a highly skilled kill squad then let us know. Add/Message me xCherry_Poppinzx or UnknownAgony and we will have you come out and run with this and then get you an invite. We don't accept everyone.
Edited by xcherrypoppinzx on 27 December 2015 09:50