State of the game after almost 3 months on Xbox.

1: Still dashboarding after 3 mins to sometimes lasting over an hour then dashboarding.
2: Loading times get steadily longer until the "this load time may take forever" appears top of your screen. Forced to dashboard and quit game and restart.
3: Random game freezing. Forced to dashboard and quit game and restart.
4: Random loading screens (away from postern wall repairs).
5: The games graphics get progressivly worse after 45mins - 1hours > gameplay. I see blurs across my screen that were once staff projectiles and ballista projectiles. I cant see if the stuff around my feet is good or bad.
6: Personally my character seems to stay in combat in Cyrodiil for far too long after a fight. Which gets me killed running to the next Keep/outpost.

I love playing this game but how on earth it got past Microsoft Quality Control i dont know. No other game i have is as bad as this. It's not like you have the age old excuse that comes with playing on a PC and every PC is different. It's a console. They are all the same.

I dont care about Imperial City DLC. I just want the game to work.

Give us graphics changing options. I dont want shadows and fantastic looking trees/grass. I want gameplay.

Give us a Reload UI button in options.

Rant over.

TLDR: Fix The Game Please Zenimax! :)
Xbone EU.
Azuras Star Campaign.
  • eldavob14_ESO
    1. never seen
    2. never seen
    3. never seen
    4. Happens when moving quickly between areas e.g. between a city and the country outside
    5. After some hours sometimes I see visual glitches in merchant, store or crafting interfaces
    6. never seen
  • gumboeb17_ESO
    Try playing cyrodiil then 1 to 6 happens.
    It's happening to everyone. Be in a group of 24 people, every few mins there's someone saying something of loading screen. Dashboard or game freezing.
    Xbone EU.
    Azuras Star Campaign.
  • Mojmir
    wait til you get imperial city they might fix those, then you can experience all the new bugs
  • gumboeb17_ESO
    I really cant wait. :)
    Xbone EU.
    Azuras Star Campaign.
  • Ratbert
    Me and a few buddies were talking about this recently. It seems we ONLY crash when we are in cities. When we are out in the world or in dungeons we seem to be fine.

    For some reason Deeshan is really bad about having me load twice. I load into the zone from wayshire then take two steps and load again. EVERY TIME. I'll crash to dashboard in Deeshan or Craglorn which are the two cities I'm usually in but ONLY in cities.

    Everything else seems to run smoothly.

    For what it's worth.
  • ZOS_MollyH
    Hey @Ratbert !

    The double-loading you're describing sounds like it's taking a second load screen for your VOX to load in.

    The ports you will need to have opened for both game traffic and VOX are as follows:

    Xbox One Ports:

    UDP Port 88
    UDP Ports 12000 through 32000
    UDP Port 6250
    UDP Port 5060
    UDP Port 5062
    UDP Port 3478 through 3479
    UDP and TCP Port 3074
    UDP and TCP Port 53
    TCP Port 80
    TCP Port 433

    You can keep updated on port information as it gets updated here
    The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited - ZeniMax Online Studios
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    Staff Post
  • MrSuplex
    I have to agree with the OP. I was very willing to let things slide when the game was first launched, but at this point its becoming embarrassing for this developer. How are things like the mail bug and dashboarding/terrible lag still not fixed at this point?

    I really think the developers are in over their head with this game.
    1. never seen
    2. never seen
    3. never seen
    4. Happens when moving quickly between areas e.g. between a city and the country outside
    5. After some hours sometimes I see visual glitches in merchant, store or crafting interfaces
    6. never seen

    Its happening to many people, including me and others I play with. I'm not sure what the point of your post was; if you aren't having the issues OP is reporting just read and move along, there is no need to be a tool about it.

    Edited by MrSuplex on 3 September 2015 21:44
  • Elder_Martin
    You forgot to mention the fact that people can blast music in voice chat and you can't even mute them because the game says the "Gamertag is not available at the moment."
    I am the real Mudcrab Merchant.
    Gamertag - Elder Martin
  • Ratbert
    ZOS_MollyH wrote: »
    Hey @Ratbert !

    The double-loading you're describing sounds like it's taking a second load screen for your VOX to load in.


    Thank you I'll try giving that a shot.
  • RoadPsychlist
    OP - "How it got past Microsoft Quality Control" ... your optimism there is admirable.

    Some of the same issues happening to me.

    1. Dashboarding only happens to me in PvP.
    2. Happens at random intervals within both PvE and PvP. Mostly within PvE for me.
    3. Mostly within PvP. Not that frequent, however. But still it's a nuisance.
    4. Within PvP if near postern doors. Actually, now that I think about it, it's something which happens near many doors in both PvP and PvE. Just happened to me coming out of the Midden.
    5. Never noticed this.

    The getting kicked to dashboard is probably my biggest beef with this game. You lose out on taking a keep and that's enough to make you want to punch things.
  • CapnPhoton
    The only time I have an issue with freezing is in town when there are lots of people talking and I try to open my inventory. Even then it is not common.

    I haven't seen the graphics issue either. How often do you restart your console? Sometimes issues like this are caused when people always put their console in sleep mode and never restart, or let it go through a full reboot.
    Xbox One NA Aldmeri Dominion
  • gumboeb17_ESO
    CapnPhoton wrote: »
    The only time I have an issue with freezing is in town when there are lots of people talking and I try to open my inventory. Even then it is not common.

    I haven't seen the graphics issue either. How often do you restart your console? Sometimes issues like this are caused when people always put their console in sleep mode and never restart, or let it go through a full reboot.

    I must admit i hardly ever hard reboot my console. The only time i had to hard reset is when trying to join a friends Minecraft instance.

    Fingers crassed the Imperial City patch fixes this stuff.

    If not i will cancel my ESO Plus and play other games because i've already broken one controller with ESO. I dont want to break another.
    Xbone EU.
    Azuras Star Campaign.
  • hobbers3
    Invisible coldharbor siege...
  • moose-knuckle
    Soul Shriven
    Just got the game and im unable to play it for more than 5 mins or so until it closes and goes to the dashboard, pretty disapointed really its unplayable for me and the game has been out a little while now. Dont suppose anyone knows anything new? wouldnt mind playing the game..
  • CapnPhoton
    CapnPhoton wrote: »
    The only time I have an issue with freezing is in town when there are lots of people talking and I try to open my inventory. Even then it is not common.

    I haven't seen the graphics issue either. How often do you restart your console? Sometimes issues like this are caused when people always put their console in sleep mode and never restart, or let it go through a full reboot.

    I must admit i hardly ever hard reboot my console. The only time i had to hard reset is when trying to join a friends Minecraft instance.

    Fingers crassed the Imperial City patch fixes this stuff.

    If not i will cancel my ESO Plus and play other games because i've already broken one controller with ESO. I dont want to break another.

    The best way is with a full shutdown procedure and restart. Its likely similar to Windows. If you hard reset it enough times without a full cycle restart it will cause issues and errors. Mine gets shut down every night and goes through a full cycle every day at least once. I also don't have 90% of the problems people report here.

    Edited by CapnPhoton on 8 September 2015 14:30
    Xbox One NA Aldmeri Dominion
  • xpupustainsx
    So, I see that people are still having the same issues I was having for months. I finally got it fixed and have not had a single issue since.

    Open the following ports

    TCP / UDP Ports 24100 through 24131
    TCP / UDP Ports 24500 through 24507
    TCP / UDP Ports 24300 through 24331
    TCP Port 80
    TCP Port 433

    NOTE: if you have comcast, you must have these set to the IP of your XB1; otherwise it will not work. & put in your IPV6 address as well. Also do it yourself, as the 1st time the comcast guy put it to my PC and not my XB1.

    Make sure your NAT is Open (setting the ports should take care of this).

    Make sure that UPNP is set to on.

    Set your IPV4 setting to low.

    Set your IPV6 to custom and only block port 113.

    I also deleted and reinstalled esotu and reset the gateway. (just in case)

    I have been playing for 2 months with out a single issue so far.

    I really hope this helps.

    I went through a month of emails with Zenimax, just to be told that it was microsoft xbox live causing the problem. this fix was put together between all of the forum threads I was looking at so you wont find this in a single thread until now.
  • Balibe
    Congrats, glad to see someone worked to resolve their issues instead of just pointing at the game and ZOS.

    I also play the game with no issues along with all my friends & guildies. I even play with three people that use a wireless hot spot. You would think wireless hotspots would cause the most issues, but they only get lag from time to time in dungeons.
  • xpupustainsx
    Balibe wrote: »
    Congrats, glad to see someone worked to resolve their issues instead of just pointing at the game and ZOS.

    I also play the game with no issues along with all my friends & guildies. I even play with three people that use a wireless hot spot. You would think wireless hotspots would cause the most issues, but they only get lag from time to time in dungeons.

    Trust me, I was blaming ZOS for it all. Shortly after I took my head out of my @$$ and did a bit of digging and asking around and was finally able to fix it. Im going to post it in stand alone thread for all to see.
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