This game is still laggy and crashing after 2 months. What is going on?

Many of us have been more than patient with the stability of this game since June, but it has now been over 2 months and the game is still in a bad state. I can't remember the last time I had a session that wasn't extremely laggy and where I wasn't dashboarded at least once during the session. Many people I know still cannot log into the game consistently.

What the hell is going on? Will this ever be fixed?

  • ProvenIconic
    Been trying to explain that to cs for days now. Never had issue other than frame rate drop when in cyrodil in extremely large conflicts which I understood.. but after the whole mess over the weekend I have been getting lag spikes lasting 5 seconds to over a minute.. they basically told me to leave them alone after days of repeating myself
  • pj84
    I didn't have the lag as much as I do now since the Tuesday maintenance, I'm not being kicked on load screens anymore but in conflict the lag can be terrible and almost seems like the game is gonna crash, it hasnt get but it seems like one thing gets fixed and another problem arises.
  • Thecapeo
    Yeah, when this game came out I had 8 friends playing regularly enough to hit VR levels, doing vet dungeons and PVP. Now I'm down to 3 total including myself. Not just do to deaths from lag and unresponsiveness in PVP but the endless little annoying bugs. Constantly being stuck in combat when you're actually not, doors not opening, being stuck in animations, skill bars disappearing, etc. and that doesn't even touch on the far too frequent crashes. The final kicker for most was when they start researching a bit and find out how many bugs and exploits are hold overs from the PC version. That pretty much made them give up hope these issues would be dealt with in a timely manner.
  • Ravens-Sonata
    NA server - Still not working properly
    Connection is Slow and Lagging, games freezes and /or disconnects, Skills lag terrible then you get booted for 318, loading screens and map loads are slow and stick. And OH, No boss drops or Anchor chests?????

    XB1 all systems check fine - unplugged console ans router - all still tests fine - NO problem with Microsoft, NO problem with other online games

    I understand running 2 mega servers is alot - However ZOS should have known this and been prepared.

    Too many of us have spent alot of $$$ purchasing a game we cannot play properly and not to mention the Crowns purchased and ESO subscriptions.

    Plz -- Can we get these issues ADDRESSED and REPAIRED???

    P.S. NOT a Microsoft Live or XB1 console Issue - ALL tests Pass on Console, Router Microsoft Live working properly -- ALL other online games work properly!!!!!

    Ticket Submitted Incident: 150814-002875
  • Ravens-Sonata
    Been trying to explain that to cs for days now. Never had issue other than frame rate drop when in cyrodil in extremely large conflicts which I understood.. but after the whole mess over the weekend I have been getting lag spikes lasting 5 seconds to over a minute.. they basically told me to leave them alone after days of repeating myself

    I dont think CS fully understands -- They still insist on blaming either ISP, Console, Microsoft or Sony. Sorry, but none of them are the issue. Im still trying to get CS to understand as well -- NO luck there
  • Dakari24
    I have been trying to get this game working since two weeks after launch. it was fine for the first two weeks then when the first server maintenance happened. Since then I have had constant crashes and connection losses. ESO support was helpful at first then just blamed everyone else and then ignored me completely. I had waited for this game for so long and for it to be a complete failure, it's a joke!!

    I know they said the game could last at least a couple years but I doubt it will last even a year if they continue to ignore these problems that are slowly happening to more and more people.
  • MrSuplex
    I love how there is no response from anyone who works for ESO after 2 weeks. Ridiculous. I still can't mail some of my friends in the game either, a bug that has been reported by many users since launch.

    This developer is clearly out of their league with this game. Bethesda outsourced this to the wrong shop.
  • Mailman0105
    Getting continuously kicked off for past 20min
  • Darlgon
    MrSuplex wrote: »
    Many of us have been more than patient with the stability of this game since June, but it has now been over 2 months and the game is still in a bad state. I can't remember the last time I had a session that wasn't extremely laggy and where I wasn't dashboarded at least once during the session. Many people I know still cannot log into the game consistently.

    What the hell is going on? Will this ever be fixed?

    Lol.. two months.. Try 20. It gets better, then they have to do something to prevent players from botting, or hackers from making their characters fly or teleport across the contentent without using a wayshrine, and then it gets worse. We have just been stuck in the worse part for a while.
    Power level to CP160 in a week:
    Where is the end game? You just played it.
    Why don't I have 300+ skill points? Because you skipped content along the way.
    Where is new content? Sigh.
  • MrSuplex
    Darlgon wrote: »
    MrSuplex wrote: »
    Many of us have been more than patient with the stability of this game since June, but it has now been over 2 months and the game is still in a bad state. I can't remember the last time I had a session that wasn't extremely laggy and where I wasn't dashboarded at least once during the session. Many people I know still cannot log into the game consistently.

    What the hell is going on? Will this ever be fixed?

    Lol.. two months.. Try 20. It gets better, then they have to do something to prevent players from botting, or hackers from making their characters fly or teleport across the contentent without using a wayshrine, and then it gets worse. We have just been stuck in the worse part for a while.

    So basically this developer is in over their heads? That is my assessment at this point.

    Many games have rocky launches, and I get that, but this developer never seems able to "fix" things in any meaningful way.
  • DragonPaisible
    Xbox one, aldmery alliance, near first town.
    i got kick on the dashboard, game crashing, 4 time in the last haslf hour, ans 2 time this morning, in half an hour.
    sometime entering a house, going out, sometime opening my map, sometime forging.
    Since the two last update, this happen a lot more.
    Sometime the game isn't responding either, trying to launch a skill, or talk to an npc.
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