Unable to connect.

How has the issue of people getting constantly kicked when changing zones not been fixed yet? No server status message issued, no server reboot. Nothing. This has been going on for several days now with no acknowledgement from Zenimax that this is a server side issue.

How have you not even done something as simple as shutting down the server for 15 minutes and restarting it? Stating that people are online as a valid excuse is at the least shoddy.

This is the reason why I will not be picking up an ESO Plus membership after contemplating doing so. Can't even get past the character load screen 75% of the time.
  • SMuttons

    I'm not buying the DLC now because of this. Companies that treat their customers like this should not be rewarded.
  • Ravens-Sonata
    Sunday Morning in Houston.. and I see we are no further along in this issue than when it started Friday evening!!!!

    I am appalled that ZOS would treat their customers like this and take No action in trying to resolve the issue.

    I have submitted tickets, posted in forums for help same as others, yet WE the customer are totally ignored!!!!

    I was just on another online game - no issues what-so-ever ... proving it isnt my XB1 or Microsoft or my internet!!!!!

    ZOS - it is past time that this issue is addressed before you tank the game!!!
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