I need some Dark Brotherhood in my life...

So I'm new to the ESO universe as I just picked it up for the console launch. One thing that bugs me though, is that the DB is conspicuously absent from this wide world ZOS has created. As soon as I knew this game was arriving for X1, I was all over the forums looking up builds for my favorite playstyle...sneaky cloak and dagger. I love Elder Scrolls games and not having the DB is blasphemy for all of the nightblades out there. I just get all worked up thinking of the different skills and perks associated with the guild.

I would certainly like to see some amazing sneak passives as well as some utility and buff skills associated with daggers or dual wield. Something similar to 2H's momentum skill and its morphs. The legerdemain passives are "ok", but we need some active skills that will actually help us with stealth killing, poisons, and fear as a crowd control (yes, I know of aspect of terror, but something more substantial).

I definitely need to see the counter-force against the brotherhood...like the pennitus oculatus (sp?) Of course a similar system is in the works for the justice system, having one for the DB is a must.

Please! Please, give us a DB crafting motif or at least a costume for completing the main quest line for the guild. I'm sick of having to make light armor just because my sneaky nightblade wants to wear a cowl. Give us a medium armor variant, please. Of course light and heavy armors can have their counterparts in the DB too. Not all the members rely on daggers and cloaks.

Finally! Give us a bitchin quest line! I know there's not really an emperor atm, but figure out some lofty character that we need to assassinate and make the quests up to that point like the setup of a heist. Me must put all the pieces into place before we can strike. Perhaps we must take out the leader of our opposition. The Oculatus can have a similar quest line to take us out and it should involve some pvp as well.

Anyone please feel free to throw some ideas around!
  • 280202
  • Ranique
    Penitus Oculatus don't exist when ESO is playing. It wasn't started till after the oblvion crisis (so 750 years from present day). I honestly hope any DB storyline will be much more dynamic then just a skyrim ripp off. Although the exact age of the DB is not known, in the ESO-timeline it is relativly young, so I would love to see a DB in that younger dynamic. Smaller and rougher.-
    Through me you pass into the city of woe:
    Through me you pass into eternal pain:
    Through me among the people lost for aye.

    PC player - EU
  • ShackledDreams
    Soul Shriven
    I haven't gotten very far in the game due to limited playtime, but I'd hoped to have some run ins with the Dark Brotherhood etc based on some of the decisions made or the Justice system. Eventually I'd love to run a DB quest line and pick up some more Assassin based skills outside of the Assassin's skill tree. In any case, DB or the Thieves Guild would get me subscribing for ESO +, so here's hoping.
    Dark Brotherhood Shadowscale...bring on the DLC.
  • FlounderOG
    You could really build a brutal origin story for the dark brotherhood. Something ripe with the most terror the elder scrolls series has ever seen. This would have to live up to the stories, with the dark brotherhood striking fear all across tamriel.

    Im really unsure how Zenimax would implement this though. It would have to be a stealth based skill like and we already have quite a few of those. Kajiits get huge bonuses to stealth and criticals, so do nightblades. There would have to be some balancing to make it fair for everyone. Theres a world of possibilities and my pants are getting tighter just thinking about it.
    -Daggerfall Covenant (Xbox NA)-
    Haderus Main
    Tavia Guest
  • ZOS_RichLambert
    Creative Director
    Rich Lambert
    Creative Director - The Elder Scrolls Online
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    Staff Post
  • Caesar Tantalia
    Caesar Tantalia

    I take this as 'coming soon'
  • FlounderOG
    Maybe we can make this a dark brotherhood thinktank thread.

    Im not sure what kind of combat benefit would be fair to give a new stealth faction.

    Theres a financial aspect, so getting cash for kills could be part of it, but it would have to be balanced so that the siege shop doesnt become too cheap.
    -Daggerfall Covenant (Xbox NA)-
    Haderus Main
    Tavia Guest
  • Bloodgharm
    First, I hope the story/quest line goes into Sithis' influence on the brotherhood, the origin of the nightmother and the background of the sacrament ritual that begins each contract.

    I would like to see both pve and pvp contracts.
    PvE: random NPCs placed in the world or assassinating existing ones.
    PvP: bounties placed on players in an opposite faction bent on the destruction of the brotherhood. The current justice system would need to be put into place to make use of this.

    Most of all. I just want a brotherhood motif so that I can create medium armor hoods and cowls. Plus the style of brotherhood weapons are just awesome looking. I want them so bad...
  • SG_Celerrimus

    I take this as 'coming soon'

    Well, in their E3 video, they showed the black hand of the DB with "We Know" written underneath it, and at Quakecon last year they featured Dark Brotherhood concept artwork. So, it is coming, soon.....
  • Ixtyr

    I take this as 'coming soon'

    Or, you can take the fact that the developers confirmed at E3 that Dark Brotherhood will be added to the game before the end of 2015 as confirmation of "coming soon".

    Ixtyr Falavir - Bosmer Nightblade - Daggerfall Covenant
    Reya Falavir - Dunmer Nightblade - Aldmeri Dominion
    Kaylin Falavir - Dunmer Nightblade - Ebonheart Pact
    Alyna Falavir - Dunmer Dragonknight - Daggerfall Covenant
    Aernah Falavir - Altmer Templar - Daggerfall Covenant
    Aranis Falavir - Bosmer Sorcerer - Daggerfall Covenant
    Aerin Falavir - Bosmer Warden - Daggerfall Covenant
    Rhys Falavir - Orc Sorcerer - Aldmeri Dominion
    Rhiannon Falavir - Altmer Templar - Aldmeri Dominion
    Nenara Falavir - Argonian Warden - Aldmeri Dominion
    Neera Falavir - Orc Warden - Aldmeri Dominion
    The Ska'vyn Exchange - Guild Master
    Vehemence - Officer
    Nightfighters - Member
    Ømni - Guild Master (Retired)
    Moderator of /r/elderscrollsonline
  • RazzPitazz
    FlounderOG wrote: »
    Maybe we can make this a dark brotherhood thinktank thread.

    Im not sure what kind of combat benefit would be fair to give a new stealth faction.

    Theres a financial aspect, so getting cash for kills could be part of it, but it would have to be balanced so that the siege shop doesnt become too cheap.

    One word.

    Three more words.
    Probably won't happen. :disappointed:

    I can see DB running PvE dailies as contracts.
    I can see evasion skills coming into play, but maybe not so much as the game already has a decent amount of stealth, sneak and roll dodge passives/actives.
    Critical Strikes and movement speed may be some others.
    Quite frankly I cannot think of anything the game could actually use in terms of alternative skills that the DB could offer.
    PC NA
    VR1 - Jar'eed - Khajiit Dragon Knight - AD
    VR1 - Broad Tail - Argonian Templar - EP
    All-Star Crafter Guild
  • Caesar Tantalia
    Caesar Tantalia
    Ixtyr wrote: »

    I take this as 'coming soon'

    Or, you can take the fact that the developers confirmed at E3 that Dark Brotherhood will be added to the game before the end of 2015 as confirmation of "coming soon".


    Ha - I've been playing this game and reading these forums since beginning of June 2014. E3 or any other convention means nothing for me. If it would, I would be playing in the imp city or wrothgar witj seasonal gear and without VR ranks. :-)

    So I take his lurk over any convention, any day.
  • tinythinker
    One word.

    Three more words.
    Probably won't happen. :disappointed:
    Maybe, but you know, a week or two ago I was looking for a post about a potential poison skill line I thought I had made many months ago. Turns out I never posted it, it was just sitting in my Draft folder. It was never completed (I meant to add a second sample passive) but it gave an idea, a rough sketch, of what that line might look like...
    For fun, until the developers actually release one. Here is my example. It's only partial, but it gives an idea of content and utility.

    This isn't the result of long, careful planning for perfect balance, it's just offered to encourage a discussion on what people might want to see. If you think something seems over/underpowered, share how you would fix it. Note that there is no cost specified, and cost is a simple way to correct imbalance.

    My spin for this is:

    1. Have this scale off of maximum health. This would be a first for skill lines, and it would logically make sense that those with hardier constitutions would be able to survive the risk of dealing with more potent forms of the deadly substances involved.

    2. None of the abilities have a "tell" until they are triggered. For example, if someone was hit with Toxicity and not under the influence of a potion, they wouldn't know they had been tagged with that ability. If they consumed a potion during the ability's length of effect, a tell would appear along with the impact of the ability.

    Active Abilities

    Cast Time: Instant
    Target: Enemy (Single Target)
    Range: 5 meters
    Duration: 120 seconds

    Any potions the target consumes will have the opposite of its intended effect. That negative effect will be increased by 50%.

    Virulent Toxicity

    The negative effect is increased by 100%.

    Exotic Toxicity

    The effect cannot be cleansed or purged.

    Poisoned Blow
    Cast Time: Instant
    Target: Enemy (Single)
    Range: Weapon Dependent
    Duration: 5 seconds

    Adds (0/1/2/3) Poison Damage over 10 seconds to a single target of basic melee weapon attacks. This damage stacks with existing weapon enchantments.

    Corrosive Hazard

    Adds 50% splash damage from the Poison Effect to two nearby enemies within 5 meters of the target.

    Debilitated Target

    Target is also snared by 30% for 5 seconds.

    Cast Time: Instant
    Target: Enemy (Single Target)
    Range: 5 meters
    Duration: 120 seconds

    The target is diabled.


    The length of the effect is doubled.


    A miasma forms 5 meters around the target after the effect and last for 10 seconds, inflicting 1 Disease Damage per second for up to 3 additional targets standing within its radius.

    Passive Abilities

    The length of poisoning effects from this skill line is increased by 25% (Rank I)/50% (Rank II). Damage over time effects are extended at half the normal rate.

    Secondary Reaction

    There is a 10% (Rank I)/20% (Rank II) chance of a target acquiring an additional effect impairing perception [think of the effect of drinking the mead while reciting Geirmund's Oath] and slowing weapon speed for in game-effect]
    One of the active or passive skills was going to let you use the poisons you can craft, but I forget now what my initial idea for that was.

    Quite frankly I cannot think of anything the game could actually use in terms of alternative skills that the DB could offer. Critical Strikes and movement speed may be some others.
    Yeah, that's what I would think of. Look at the justice system skill line and the passives and apply to assassination. These are probably imbalanced but just to throw out examples...

    Either combat-related:

    "Gain Major Savagery for 4 seconds when you drop below 10% health."

    "Gain 1/2/3% of max magicka/stamina from killing an off-balance target ."

    Or non-combat related:

    "Length of invisibility potions is doubled."

    "There is a 10/20/30% chance witnesses will ignore your crimes."

    Edited by tinythinker on 1 July 2015 12:29
    Experienced, new, returner? Help keep ESO's community strong ᕙ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ᕗ -- share what you love about the game, offer constructive feedback, and make friends.ʕ·ᴥ·ʔ

    . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

    Who are you in Tamriel (whether it's just your character's attitude & style or a full backstory)? - Share your Character's Story! ◔ ⌣ ◔
    (And let us know 🔷What Kind of Roleplayer You Are🔷 - even if that only extends to choosing your race)

    . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

    Support Mudcrab Mode for ESO (\/)!_!(\/) - part joke, part serious, all glorious! You butter be ready for this
  • Kronosphere
    One word.

    Three more words.
    Probably won't happen. :disappointed:
    Maybe, but you know, a week or two ago I was looking for a post about a potential poison skill line I thought I had made many months ago. Turns out I never posted it, it was just sitting in my Draft folder. It was never completed (I meant to add a second sample passive) but it gave an idea, a rough sketch, of what that line might look like...
    For fun, until the developers actually release one. Here is my example. It's only partial, but it gives an idea of content and utility.

    This isn't the result of long, careful planning for perfect balance, it's just offered to encourage a discussion on what people might want to see. If you think something seems over/underpowered, share how you would fix it. Note that there is no cost specified, and cost is a simple way to correct imbalance.

    My spin for this is:

    1. Have this scale off of maximum health. This would be a first for skill lines, and it would logically make sense that those with hardier constitutions would be able to survive the risk of dealing with more potent forms of the deadly substances involved.

    2. None of the abilities have a "tell" until they are triggered. For example, if someone was hit with Toxicity and not under the influence of a potion, they wouldn't know they had been tagged with that ability. If they consumed a potion during the ability's length of effect, a tell would appear along with the impact of the ability.

    Active Abilities

    Cast Time: Instant
    Target: Enemy (Single Target)
    Range: 5 meters
    Duration: 120 seconds

    Any potions the target consumes will have the opposite of its intended effect. That negative effect will be increased by 50%.

    Virulent Toxicity

    The negative effect is increased by 100%.

    Exotic Toxicity

    The effect cannot be cleansed or purged.

    Poisoned Blow
    Cast Time: Instant
    Target: Enemy (Single)
    Range: Weapon Dependent
    Duration: 5 seconds

    Adds (0/1/2/3) Poison Damage over 10 seconds to a single target of basic melee weapon attacks. This damage stacks with existing weapon enchantments.

    Corrosive Hazard

    Adds 50% splash damage from the Poison Effect to two nearby enemies within 5 meters of the target.

    Debilitated Target

    Target is also snared by 30% for 5 seconds.

    Cast Time: Instant
    Target: Enemy (Single Target)
    Range: 5 meters
    Duration: 120 seconds

    The target is diabled.


    The length of the effect is doubled.


    A miasma forms 5 meters around the target after the effect and last for 10 seconds, inflicting 1 Disease Damage per second for up to 3 additional targets standing within its radius.

    Passive Abilities

    The length of poisoning effects from this skill line is increased by 25% (Rank I)/50% (Rank II). Damage over time effects are extended at half the normal rate.

    Secondary Reaction

    There is a 10% (Rank I)/20% (Rank II) chance of a target acquiring an additional effect impairing perception [think of the effect of drinking the mead while reciting Geirmund's Oath] and slowing weapon speed for in game-effect]
    One of the active or passive skills was going to let you use the poisons you can craft, but I forget now what my initial idea for that was.

    Quite frankly I cannot think of anything the game could actually use in terms of alternative skills that the DB could offer. Critical Strikes and movement speed may be some others.
    Yeah, that's what I would think of. Look at the justice system skill line and the passives and apply to assassination. These are probably imbalanced but just to throw out examples...

    Either combat-related:

    "Gain Major Savagery for 4 seconds when you drop below 10% health."

    "Gain 1/2/3% of max magicka/stamina from killing an off-balance target ."

    Or non-combat related:

    "Length of invisibility potions is doubled."

    "There is a 10/20/30% chance witnesses will ignore your crimes."

    cool stuff but holy cow u made it overpower as _______!!!!

    tone down the numbers a bit i reckon. a double strength potion that does the opposite. soo thats 12k damage, 12k stam gone, 12k magicka gone + a really strong dot that also drains all resources like your spamming an ability if someone uses a tripot with Virulent Toxicity.. thats like. way stronger than any ult in the game lol. infact even if it was just the resources or only the dot that was negative and not the initial burst from a pot its still op lol
    Edited by Kronosphere on 1 July 2015 13:29
    ~House Indoril~
    Submit to the three, the spirits and thy lords.

  • eventide03b14a_ESO
    The Dark Brotherhood is coming soon never.
  • tinythinker
    One word.

    Three more words.
    Probably won't happen. :disappointed:
    Maybe, but you know, a week or two ago I was looking for a post about a potential poison skill line I thought I had made many months ago. Turns out I never posted it, it was just sitting in my Draft folder. It was never completed (I meant to add a second sample passive) but it gave an idea, a rough sketch, of what that line might look like...
    For fun, until the developers actually release one. Here is my example. It's only partial, but it gives an idea of content and utility.

    This isn't the result of long, careful planning for perfect balance, it's just offered to encourage a discussion on what people might want to see. If you think something seems over/underpowered, share how you would fix it. Note that there is no cost specified, and cost is a simple way to correct imbalance.

    My spin for this is:

    1. Have this scale off of maximum health. This would be a first for skill lines, and it would logically make sense that those with hardier constitutions would be able to survive the risk of dealing with more potent forms of the deadly substances involved.

    2. None of the abilities have a "tell" until they are triggered. For example, if someone was hit with Toxicity and not under the influence of a potion, they wouldn't know they had been tagged with that ability. If they consumed a potion during the ability's length of effect, a tell would appear along with the impact of the ability.

    Active Abilities

    Cast Time: Instant
    Target: Enemy (Single Target)
    Range: 5 meters
    Duration: 120 seconds

    Any potions the target consumes will have the opposite of its intended effect. That negative effect will be increased by 50%.

    Virulent Toxicity

    The negative effect is increased by 100%.

    Exotic Toxicity

    The effect cannot be cleansed or purged.

    Poisoned Blow
    Cast Time: Instant
    Target: Enemy (Single)
    Range: Weapon Dependent
    Duration: 5 seconds

    Adds (0/1/2/3) Poison Damage over 10 seconds to a single target of basic melee weapon attacks. This damage stacks with existing weapon enchantments.

    Corrosive Hazard

    Adds 50% splash damage from the Poison Effect to two nearby enemies within 5 meters of the target.

    Debilitated Target

    Target is also snared by 30% for 5 seconds.

    Cast Time: Instant
    Target: Enemy (Single Target)
    Range: 5 meters
    Duration: 120 seconds

    The target is diabled.


    The length of the effect is doubled.


    A miasma forms 5 meters around the target after the effect and last for 10 seconds, inflicting 1 Disease Damage per second for up to 3 additional targets standing within its radius.

    Passive Abilities

    The length of poisoning effects from this skill line is increased by 25% (Rank I)/50% (Rank II). Damage over time effects are extended at half the normal rate.

    Secondary Reaction

    There is a 10% (Rank I)/20% (Rank II) chance of a target acquiring an additional effect impairing perception [think of the effect of drinking the mead while reciting Geirmund's Oath] and slowing weapon speed for in game-effect]
    One of the active or passive skills was going to let you use the poisons you can craft, but I forget now what my initial idea for that was.

    Quite frankly I cannot think of anything the game could actually use in terms of alternative skills that the DB could offer. Critical Strikes and movement speed may be some others.
    Yeah, that's what I would think of. Look at the justice system skill line and the passives and apply to assassination. These are probably imbalanced but just to throw out examples...

    Either combat-related:

    "Gain Major Savagery for 4 seconds when you drop below 10% health."

    "Gain 1/2/3% of max magicka/stamina from killing an off-balance target ."

    Or non-combat related:

    "Length of invisibility potions is doubled."

    "There is a 10/20/30% chance witnesses will ignore your crimes."

    cool stuff but holy cow u made it overpower as _______!!!!

    tone down the numbers a bit i reckon. a double strength potion that does the opposite. soo thats 12k damage, 12k stam gone, 12k magicka gone + a really strong dot that also drains all resources like your spamming an ability if someone uses a tripot with Virulent Toxicity.. thats like. way stronger than any ult in the game lol. infact even if it was just the resources or only the dot that was negative and not the initial burst from a pot its still op lol
    It was written before Update 6 so some effects would work differently than orginally conceived. But yeah, if you want to use tri-pots in PvP it would be a risk. Again, this was a draft that was never edited. The numbers were just place-holders to represent the basic concept. :)

    And don't forget, Snake Blood under Alchemy allows you to remove 50/80/100% of negative potion effects. So it could be possibly involved in some way. If it was those negative numbers would be greatly reduced or ignored, with a net effect of zero either way for those at 100% mitigation of negative effects.

    Edited by tinythinker on 1 July 2015 15:17
    Experienced, new, returner? Help keep ESO's community strong ᕙ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ᕗ -- share what you love about the game, offer constructive feedback, and make friends.ʕ·ᴥ·ʔ

    . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

    Who are you in Tamriel (whether it's just your character's attitude & style or a full backstory)? - Share your Character's Story! ◔ ⌣ ◔
    (And let us know 🔷What Kind of Roleplayer You Are🔷 - even if that only extends to choosing your race)

    . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

    Support Mudcrab Mode for ESO (\/)!_!(\/) - part joke, part serious, all glorious! You butter be ready for this
  • Narelesh
    FlounderOG wrote: »
    You could really build a brutal origin story for the dark brotherhood. Something ripe with the most terror the elder scrolls series has ever seen. This would have to live up to the stories, with the dark brotherhood striking fear all across tamriel.

    Im really unsure how Zenimax would implement this though. It would have to be a stealth based skill like and we already have quite a few of those. Kajiits get huge bonuses to stealth and criticals, so do nightblades. There would have to be some balancing to make it fair for everyone. Theres a world of possibilities and my pants are getting tighter just thinking about it.

    My pants are getting tighter too...
    Wtf was that? Oh... this is a dream.
  • Narelesh
    Bloodgharm wrote: »
    First, I hope the story/quest line goes into Sithis' influence on the brotherhood, the origin of the nightmother and the background of the sacrament ritual that begins each contract.

    I would like to see both pve and pvp contracts.
    PvE: random NPCs placed in the world or assassinating existing ones.
    PvP: bounties placed on players in an opposite faction bent on the destruction of the brotherhood. The current justice system would need to be put into place to make use of this.

    Most of all. I just want a brotherhood motif so that I can create medium armor hoods and cowls. Plus the style of brotherhood weapons are just awesome looking. I want them so bad...

    Adding a few DB motifs would be really cool as long as they weren't purchasable through the crown store. To me personally it would be rather disappointing to be able to just craft items from DB type styles without even starting a single DB quest. To each their own on that though. Adding on to your idea of the PVE contracts, I think it would be a really interesting (but people have to earn their hits placed on them) to be able to get an actual other player as your assassination contract because that would be a whole lot more complex than just sneak up on an NPC that doesn't even care that you're swiggity swootying his booty.
    Wtf was that? Oh... this is a dream.
  • Caesar Tantalia
    Caesar Tantalia
    PvP part - contract on players from opposite faction is not going to happen. They only place where they can make this work is Cyrodill. What if that player isn't there? There is no way we can get into their real realm (cross faction megaserver issue). What if that player plays different hours than me ... They might do something like kill a player (not that player) but what's the story around that?

    PvP part could be functional within our own faction though. Accepting a contract is opting in PvP setting. All other players (or specific group - enforcers) can kill you and will get reward for that - similar what they had in mind for the justice system.
  • StihlReign
    Armor Conversion

    I would love a menu item similar to the Imperial Conversion, for Dark Brotherhood.

    Rather than craft all new armor, it would be really nice (even it it's only triggered at a certain level), if we can convert current armor to the Dark Brotherhood style.
    "O divine art of subtlety and secrecy!

    Through you we learn to be invisible, through you inaudible; and hence we can hold the enemy’s fate in our hands.” – Ch. VI, v. 8-9. — Master Sun Tzu

    "You haven't beaten me you've sacrificed sure footing for a killing stroke." — Ra's al Ghul

    He who is prudent and lies in wait for an enemy who is not, will be victorious — Master Sun Tzu

  • StihlReign
    PvP Contracts

    Kill 20 players on siege
    Kill 20 players from stealth
    Kill 20 players on horse
    Kill 20 players solo
    kill 20 players with ranged attacks
    Kill 20 players with melee attacks
    Kill 20 players using only Magicka based attacks
    Kill 20 players using only Stamina based attacks
    Kill 20 players within x time.
    Kill 20 players solo within x time.
    Kill 20 players of x rank.

    Place boards in a building/hideout/ or perhaps a quest giver in each keep (better than running to the Gates which breaks immersion and War effort).

    Each quest random but repeatable infinitely.
    "O divine art of subtlety and secrecy!

    Through you we learn to be invisible, through you inaudible; and hence we can hold the enemy’s fate in our hands.” – Ch. VI, v. 8-9. — Master Sun Tzu

    "You haven't beaten me you've sacrificed sure footing for a killing stroke." — Ra's al Ghul

    He who is prudent and lies in wait for an enemy who is not, will be victorious — Master Sun Tzu

  • StihlReign
    Fix the NB Cripple

    Should work the same as DK talons only for a single target. 1.3 seconds is nuts. The skill is beyond useless.
    "O divine art of subtlety and secrecy!

    Through you we learn to be invisible, through you inaudible; and hence we can hold the enemy’s fate in our hands.” – Ch. VI, v. 8-9. — Master Sun Tzu

    "You haven't beaten me you've sacrificed sure footing for a killing stroke." — Ra's al Ghul

    He who is prudent and lies in wait for an enemy who is not, will be victorious — Master Sun Tzu

  • StihlReign

    Hmmm...could add a second shade to the teleport shade skill. Bouncing between 2 would be nice.

    When you drop one, the second could drop 25 meters behind your target. Running towards either one and hitting the button would trigger that shade and your teleport. 20s...
    "O divine art of subtlety and secrecy!

    Through you we learn to be invisible, through you inaudible; and hence we can hold the enemy’s fate in our hands.” – Ch. VI, v. 8-9. — Master Sun Tzu

    "You haven't beaten me you've sacrificed sure footing for a killing stroke." — Ra's al Ghul

    He who is prudent and lies in wait for an enemy who is not, will be victorious — Master Sun Tzu

  • Bloodgharm
    I would really like some self heals for a stealthy character. Maybe a HoT that initiates from a cloak. Perhaps a damage shield. I would like some skills that would work well with a nb, but that isn't part of the 2H skill tree.
  • tinythinker
    Bloodgharm wrote: »
    I would really like some self heals for a stealthy character. Maybe a HoT that initiates from a cloak...
    ...right after you kill someone.
    Experienced, new, returner? Help keep ESO's community strong ᕙ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ᕗ -- share what you love about the game, offer constructive feedback, and make friends.ʕ·ᴥ·ʔ

    . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

    Who are you in Tamriel (whether it's just your character's attitude & style or a full backstory)? - Share your Character's Story! ◔ ⌣ ◔
    (And let us know 🔷What Kind of Roleplayer You Are🔷 - even if that only extends to choosing your race)

    . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

    Support Mudcrab Mode for ESO (\/)!_!(\/) - part joke, part serious, all glorious! You butter be ready for this
  • OzJohnD
    We know
    Everyone knows the phenomenon of trying to hold your breath underwater - how at first it's alright and you can handle it, and then as it gets closer and closer to the time when you must breathe, how urgent the need becomes, the lust and the hunger to breathe. And then the panic sets in when you begin to think that you won't be able to breathe - and finally, when you take in air and the anxiety subsides...that's what it's like to be a vampire and need blood.

    Francis Ford Coppola - BS Dracula: The Film and the Legend

  • Visemere
    Fudge this!

    imagine DB bounty quests on OTHER players who steal and evade the justice system LOL

    but seriously, id love a proper DB campaign quest like the Figters guild, and in order to trigger it you need to murder...
    Visemere - VR16 Argonian Templar - PS4 EU Dagger Fall Covenant
  • Bloodgharm
    Visemere wrote: »
    Fudge this!

    imagine DB bounty quests on OTHER players who steal and evade the justice system LOL

    but seriously, id love a proper DB campaign quest like the Figters guild, and in order to trigger it you need to murder...

    I think the beginning needs to be a little more in-depth than murdering someone. You murder a lot in this game. I think that you could start the quest line off by stumbling upon randomly generated sacrament ritual areas. Let's say you're exploring random houses in a town or a cave out in the wild and come upon a circle of candles and body parts. After examining the scene, the first quest starts. Or maybe you witness an assassination and after examining the deceased, recover a hidden hand note on the body.
  • Hetenel
    Soul Shriven
    A dark brotherhood questline would be cool but it wouldn't be lore friendly at all
  • Bloodgharm
    Hetenel wrote: »
    A dark brotherhood questline would be cool but it wouldn't be lore friendly at all

    Why wouldn't it? It was around this time in TES history that the DB was founded. Considering the story line with the morag tong and shadowscales in the EP quest line, a splinter group from these factions could easily have started the DB. Even the Shadowscales claim to revere Sithis and pledge faith to the nightmother. So tell me, why wouldn't this be lore friendly?
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