Magnum Shot Bug? or intended?

so with my new build ive been using this skill alot and ive come to notice that neither the enemy or myself take fall damage when this skill is used so i ask is it intended or a bug? either way is it possible to change this so both the user and the enemy hit takes fall damage in my eyes if i mess up using the skill and fall to my death then its my own fault for positioning wrong and when they dont take fall damage its basically a get out of dodge free card bcuz they can then just run away or come back if they so choose so i ask again could you please put fall damage back on this skill whats everyone's opinion to this do you reckon it should be changed?
  • Smaxx
    I'm not sure, it might be intentional. I remember using a similar skill back in Warhammer Online and basically whenever you jumped or kicked yourself using a skill, you wouldn't take fall damage, no matter how high/far you'd fall.

    So right now I think it's likely intentional, but that might change, especially if people start to abuse it somewhere. Also I guess they don't want people to rely simply on knocking people off walls or cliffs; I've read something like that recently regarding their decision that you usually can't knock off NPCs to kill them.
  • NotSo
    If I'm not mistaken, you can knock somebody off a wall with uppercut and they will take fall damage. So might as well be balanced across all skills :/
    Gar'Sol the Wanderer VR14 Khajiit Sorcerer Spellblade
  • Xeniph
    As per an explanation Gina gave to a similar question on last weeks show. Mobs do not suffer from fall damage at all, ever.
    players do. I can assure you if you manage to magnum shot a player off a bridge, they will feel it :) ( And if you happen to fall as a result from your shot, you will too)

    If you think about it, the direction they took for Pve, makes perfect sense.
    Edited by Xeniph on 16 March 2015 19:54
    Here since Beta.

    Characters: All of them, both Stamina and Magicka.
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