EDIT: The guild is recruiting again!
Blades are a casual guild looking to bring some new faces in. We currently have 176 members (as of June 2019), we've been around since Early Access and have a pretty cohesive group of regulars.
We have a discord server for your chatting needs when offline.

We are a friendly bunch, always joking around, but we keep it mature and help each other out.

We're not looking to get a very big guild, will probably stop around 200 members so the guild feels like a family and not like an overpacked tavern. We have some events from time to time and we help out new players daily with information and group content. Management is active and helpful and 100% composed of vets who have been in the game for over 5 years so knowledge of the game, be it the best build or the latest lore, is always being shared. Also
@Coldfreeze can help you by explaining the Argonian mating rituals! Can't get any better than that right?
Come try us out, you won´t regret it.
To join contact
@SoulPT @Sterreke @Coldfreeze or just reply here.
Edited by SoulPT on 8 June 2019 19:43