ESO Forum Avatars - Post your contributions here!

This is a continuation of my now necroed thread here:

I've learned some of these from other community members (thanks bunches!) from the original thread and some I've deciphered on my own, so I'm going to post all the pics with my understanding of them and encourage you to correct me or add your own.

Here goes:
This first set contains the ESO logo ouroboros and what appears to be random heroes of different races.

This one has the alliance leaders, with Queen Ayrenn highlighted.

This group has the alliance icons (Aldmeri Dominion is yellow, Daggerfall Covenant blue, Ebonheart Pact is red) along with some of the racial icons embossed in stone.

This has the remaining racial icons as well as class icons. The one below the daedra/Oblivion icons that look like they are on fabric pennants are unknown to me.

These are also unknown to me. The first one I highlighted (which probably has something to do with Jone and Jode). The second one looks like some kind of tapestry but I don't know which.

This begins the series of stained glass and metal icons representing the Eight Divines. The first is taken from a stained glass window of Akatosh in Weynon Priory. He is shown standing on an anvil and below that is this emblem. The other highlighted one represents Dibella. (I'd name them all in order but I don't know them off the top of my head.)

The red and black icons are of the Daedric Princes. Below them are minor daedra.

These are more minor daedra NPCs, including a Golden Saint a Watcher, Twilight Matriarch, and more.

The first highlighted image here is a punk guar, followed by random enemy NPCs, and the final one is a ghost of some sort.

Most of these are unknown to me but appear to be more enemy NPCs, including hagravens, an ice wraith, an imp, a lamia, nereid, nix-hound, and two spriggans.

More enemy NPCs, beginning with another spriggan, trolls, werewolves, a wispmother, a wraith, and then some emblems I'm not familiar with. Some of the last ones look like they're from Aetherian Archives and/or motif pictures.

A few more motif pictures, some unknowns, a fennec fox, some creatures, some daedric enemies, and a sweetroll.

These are emblems available for guilds to put on their tabards.

More enemies and unknowns, a dremora, a cool piece of fabric that appears to have something related to Argonians on it, a clannfear, and some pets/mounts.

More mounts and pets, a weird undead ostrich, some bosses, more motifs, and a daedrat.

Possibly some more motifs, a bear and bear cub, goats, chub loon, harpy, echatere and echalette.

Unknown, horker, durzog, unknown, dragon frog, unknown, people and things from the Thieves Guild promotional art, possibly more motifs, the lady of the cistern.

Thieves Guild motifs, outlaw refuge icon, a sep adder, promotional art for Dark Brotherhood, the Night Mother, a nixad, Dark Brotherhood stained glass, Dark Brotherhood representations of Sithis (?), and DB motifs.

Gold Coast Trading Company logo, artwork, bone dragon, minotaur, motif icons, old guy from artwork, me (skele resting on table), troll, Haj Mota, Mazzatun motifs, other unknown motifs, and two statues: Azurah and Sheogorath.

More statues including Vivec, motif icons for Ashlander, icons for battleground teams (Storm Lords, Pit Daemons, Fire Drakes), Buoyant Armiger motifs, unknown Dunmer and a silt strider.

Unknown, wasp, more motifs I'm not sure of, Naryu <3, more motifs, some NPCs I don't know and a clockwork fabricant, Vivec and a lady with the Vivec tattoos.

Icons for Morrowind, the warden's bear, the class icon for warden.

It appears as though these haven't been updated since Morrowind, and it would be awesome to get some Summerset, Elsweyr, and Greymoor avatars!
Please comment with anything you have to add or anything I should change.

I also created a gallery on imgur in case the forum wouldn't support all the pics.
My in-game name is @ VeronicaStormborn

May all your hits be crits and all your loot epics!
  • SidraWillowsky


    The last few: motifs from the Craglorn trials- these look to be primarily from AA and HRC.


    More motifs from the Crag trials, Ra Kotu from HRC, an air atronach, a stone atronach


    Welwa and then a few from Sanctum Ophidia, including the motif styles


    The Tribunal is also collectively known as Almsivi (ALMalexia, sotha SIl, VIvec and this hand is their "logo", for lack of a better term. Note the Daedric letters representing the corresponding names they sometimes go by (Ayem, Seht, Vehk) in the corners.
  • VeronicaStormborn
    Thank you @SidraWillowsky ! I appreciate your input (again!).
    My in-game name is @ VeronicaStormborn

    May all your hits be crits and all your loot epics!
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