Full 21th ESO Live Highlights

More information about Imperial City coming July 13th and after. Next ESO Live show will be with Brian and Eric duo guesting July 17th.


• ZOS has implemented better 5.1 surround sound in the game for more realistic feeling.
• ZOS has a plan to make an ingame ambient and combat sound better and dynamic. If you enter the combat with a 1 mudcrab the combat music will just slightly appear for a really short time period. But if you fight more enemies then you will hear a more layered combat music. For boss there will be boss tunes and even if you are close to death you can understand it with helping of music in future.

Combat changes for upcoming major update:

ZOS still has a long-term plan to rid of veteran ranks but this need a lot to do and will happen soon™. In the next major update however we will be able to reach a 16 veteran rank.

Obviously it was done for the new itemization in 7th update they will talk next ESO Live show so we may hope to get new content with it.

More of that ZOS made 4 major changes in current EXP gain system:

• You need only 850000 EXP for each rank (15% less then live).
• Every veteran quest now has a 50% more EXP as a reward.
• EXP gain was doubled in Public Dungeons.
• EXP gain in Craglorn was increased on 20%.


• A PvP buff “Combat spirit” was changed. Now you get less dmg, less heal and less shield by 50% to prolong fights.

Class changes:

So class changes are pretty significant we will get a free skillpoint respec.
ZOS still tries to give more opportunities for player choice by rebalancing abilities.
Here is a teaser of some changes. ZOS said it will be much longer in patchnotes.

Dragon Knight:

• Stone Fist – range was increased up to 28m. Obsidian Shard (morph) was reworked – now it will heal an ally near the target damaged by this ability.
• Battle Roar (Passive) – now on live it scales of max magica. After rework it will give you resources back after casting an Ultimate based on its max value separately. If you have a lot of HP, you will get a lot of HP back, if you have a lot of Stamina – you will get a lot of stamina back. The higher you max stat is more you get it back.


• Shadow Cloak and all morphs – Enemy solo-target abilities will not hit you out of invisibility. NB’s abilities were reworked so you DoT abilities will not hit you out of invisibility either. Enemy AOE abilities will still hit you out of invisibility.
• Grim Focus – now you need just 4 Light Attacks to proc its Spectral Bow option (it’s 7 on live now).


• Focus Charge – no more delay in animation after casting it so you can continue to DPS right after.
• Rush Ceremony (and all morphs) – the animation became faster. Honor of the dead (morph) – now you will get magica back right after you heal a 70% HP target (50% on live) without any delay.
• Radiant – now 1st tick can be critical correctly. Overall DMG was lowered so it’s not as useful as DPS and still very useful as execute.


• Bolt Escape – now it cost will increase on 50% after every next use in a row. For example: 1000 – 1500 – 2000 – 2500 and so on. Cost will be back to normal after some time last Bolt Escape was used.
• Lightning Form – one of its morph becomes stamina based. It will be high DPS mele ability giving resistances.
• Mage’s Wrath will get 10% more DMG.
• Surge was remade to be more in line with momentum – increased duration, lowered cost. They are still thinking to add a guarantee flat heal on every critical strike.


• Dual Wield – Throw Dagger will give you a Major Brutality buff.
• Bows – Volley was made more in line with sorcerers Liquid Lightning – long duration small high DPS zone.

Racial Passives:

ZOS will not make a huge rebalance until there will be an opportunity to change race via Crown Store. They slightly buffed some races though.

• Argonians – Potions will restore more HP, Magica and Stamina.
• Nords – HP bonus became stronger.
• Khajiits – get more critical chance in their passive.
• Orcs – instead of bonus DMG on charge they will get 4% more stamina based DMG


• Serpent now provides Stamina Regeneration instead of HP Regeneration.

Rolldodge was nerfed in line with Bolt Escape – every next dodge roll in a row will cost 33% Stamina more than previous.


To make block-cast less reliant you will not regenerate stamina while blocking. Yes, it will make tanking trials and stuff more difficult but it’s still doable as tests shows.


Now there is a check on this ability: if the target was taunted by the same player the boss will keep agro on him. Taunt duration was not changed but now occasional multiple taunt from one player will not make boss run and kill everyone out of control. As soon as another player taunt the boss it will work as it was before, so you can’t ping-pong boss with 2 players without consequences.

In this major update leaderboards will be wiped because of all changes.


It was a confirmed bug that nirnhorned trait works with every piece of armor at once. Now it's fixed and works with only one piece of armor increasing it's spellresistance.

Alliance War abilities:

Vigor and Guard were lowered in some ranks to be easier to reach. Now they will try to give more cosmetic rewards for high PvP ranks or Achievements like Emotions, Costumes, etc.

Misc and questions:

Eric confirmed that ZOS are still working to implement the Spellcraft.
• There will be no mass taunt because every DPS and healer can deal with adds with blocking and rolldodging, etc.
• All bugged champion passives will be fixed in this next major update (infinite ult gain from Last Stand, broken Magica Well and so on).
• Zergs (Blobs) are the part of mass PvP gameplay. But they changed Magica Detonation to deal then more DMG than more players affected.
• Werewolves and vampires: they will get 25% more Poison/Flame DMG instead of 40% on live. They also made some other changes and adjustments with abilities.
• Hybrids will be viable via itemization. We will know more about itemization later after July 13th.
• Sharpened maces will be fixed soon.
• Agony now has 5% scale bonus per time period instead of 2-3% on live.
• Wall of Elements now longs 6 seconds and cast animation became faster.
• Shield Stacking is not an issuer. But you will be able to get a set with bonus DPS on shielded targets.
• They have some Champion Points catch up mechanics to choose but this choice was not done yet. One of the opportunities is to decrease EPX needed to get 1st 3-4 hundreds of Champion points. There are more others as well.
• We will get no “Heal bomb” outside the class. Healing ward is the closest to this idea ability.
Edited by Fecius on 3 July 2015 11:44
- Looking for Progress PvE Guild!
- Ex Ætherius Eight / Ætherius Raid PC EU
- World First Sanctum Ophidia Difficult Mode (1.5.8 at January 21, 2015)

- PvE Dunmer Magicka Sorcerer
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- Under sun and sky Outlander, we greet you warmly!
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  • Junipus
    One minor change, they stated 15% less XP for each veteran rank, not 50%.
    The Legendary Nothing
  • Fecius
    One minor change, they stated 15% less XP for each veteran rank, not 50%.

    Ops. Ty for helping :) Fixed
    Edited by Fecius on 3 July 2015 09:06
    - Looking for Progress PvE Guild!
    - Ex Ætherius Eight / Ætherius Raid PC EU
    - World First Sanctum Ophidia Difficult Mode (1.5.8 at January 21, 2015)

    - PvE Dunmer Magicka Sorcerer
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    - Under sun and sky Outlander, we greet you warmly!
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  • tengri
    And no, soon™ aint gonna cut it this time.
    Are we talking weeks, months, years?
  • Fecius
    tengri wrote: »
    And no, soon™ aint gonna cut it this time.
    Are we talking weeks, months, years?

    Well. Im not ZOS, so I can't tell you any ETA :D

    We do know now, that we will start geting information about IC and major update at July 13th.
    - Looking for Progress PvE Guild!
    - Ex Ætherius Eight / Ætherius Raid PC EU
    - World First Sanctum Ophidia Difficult Mode (1.5.8 at January 21, 2015)

    - PvE Dunmer Magicka Sorcerer
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    - Under sun and sky Outlander, we greet you warmly!
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  • adriant1978
    Just wanted to personally thank @Fecius and others for putting this information out here for folks who can't / won't watch ESO Live. Seriously think ZOS should consider putting an official summary up for those of us who prefer reading to listening.
  • Sausage
    Now they work on Spellcrafting and they said its not on the table, now we need we never get Dark Brotherhood and Thief guild. Man, I start to love Zen even more because of all the lies and stuff, they are sooo losing it, Im gonna enjoy watching this.
    Edited by Sausage on 3 July 2015 10:02
  • Alcast
    Class Representative
    So Magicka Detonation will be the new One Shot Trash Wonder I guess.....

    bb to trash in Sanctum
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  • Kerioko
    Alcast wrote: »
    So Magicka Detonation will be the new One Shot Trash Wonder I guess.....

    bb to trash in Sanctum

    Everyone in PVP will now be proximity Detonation NB stealth bombers!
    Dinosaur Chicken Nuggets - Argonian mNB Tank/Heals (PVP)
    Strawberry Semifreddo - Dunmer mSorc DPS // Sunny D-Light - Breton mTemp Heals
    Peanut Butter Sandwich - Orc sDK DPS // Kellogg's Frosted Flakes - Argonian mWard Tank/Heals (PVE)
    friendship - integrity - perseverance
  • Fecius
    Alcast wrote: »
    So Magicka Detonation will be the new One Shot Trash Wonder I guess.....

    bb to trash in Sanctum

    We can't judge untill we can see numbers... It can be either One Shot Trash or Another Trash :D I remember people were saying same when it was just introduced. "Dead blobs, dead mass mobs, etc, etc".
    - Looking for Progress PvE Guild!
    - Ex Ætherius Eight / Ætherius Raid PC EU
    - World First Sanctum Ophidia Difficult Mode (1.5.8 at January 21, 2015)

    - PvE Dunmer Magicka Sorcerer
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    - Under sun and sky Outlander, we greet you warmly!
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  • Xantaria
    Battle Roar was scaling with the cost of the Ultimate you used not with magicka on live.
    Xantaria - Lead of Chimaira
    Hardcore Progress PvE Player - Livestream - Youtube

    World First Dro-m'Athra Destroyer
    World First Tick-Tock Tormentor

    Proud Member of the Council of Exploiters.
  • Fecius
    Xantaria wrote: »
    Battle Roar was scaling with the cost of the Ultimate you used not with magicka on live.

    It was both if I got Eric correct. You take a X% of ultimate cost, but the higher you magica is the higher this X% is. But I may be wrong. As soon as I can check it, I'll do it and fix if needed.
    Edited by Fecius on 3 July 2015 10:29
    - Looking for Progress PvE Guild!
    - Ex Ætherius Eight / Ætherius Raid PC EU
    - World First Sanctum Ophidia Difficult Mode (1.5.8 at January 21, 2015)

    - PvE Dunmer Magicka Sorcerer
    - YouTube

    - Under sun and sky Outlander, we greet you warmly!
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  • Xantaria
    You should maybe also add to khajit that they get MORE critical chance. Because they already have some right now it's just not enough to be comparable with other Races.
    Xantaria - Lead of Chimaira
    Hardcore Progress PvE Player - Livestream - Youtube

    World First Dro-m'Athra Destroyer
    World First Tick-Tock Tormentor

    Proud Member of the Council of Exploiters.
  • smokes
    thanks for the write-up
  • Fecius
    Xantaria wrote: »
    You should maybe also add to khajit that they get MORE critical chance. Because they already have some right now it's just not enough to be comparable with other Races.

    Fixed, ty.
    - Looking for Progress PvE Guild!
    - Ex Ætherius Eight / Ætherius Raid PC EU
    - World First Sanctum Ophidia Difficult Mode (1.5.8 at January 21, 2015)

    - PvE Dunmer Magicka Sorcerer
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    - Under sun and sky Outlander, we greet you warmly!
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  • Elloa
  • BuggeX
    • Mage’s Wrath will get 10% more DMG.

    will just explode if casted in executerange, will no longer stay up as debuff

    wath i understand there
  • Roselle
    Fecius wrote: »
    More information about Imperial City coming July 13th and after. Next ESO Live show will be with Brian and Eric duo guesting July 17th.

    le snippy snip snip edit~


    • A PvP buff “Combat spirit” was changed. Now you get less dmg, less heal and less shield by 50% to prolong fights.

    So what counts as a "prolonged" fight?

    This change could be good or bad. I'm not sure yet.
    This one was rekt by Zenimax
  • Fecius
    Roselle wrote: »

    So what counts as a "prolonged" fight?

    This change could be good or bad. I'm not sure yet.

    Well, there are tons of whine that people get oneshoted in PvP. They try to add a possibility of counterplay from both sides - attacker and defender.
    BuggeX wrote: »
    • Mage’s Wrath will get 10% more DMG.

    will just explode if casted in executerange, will no longer stay up as debuff

    wath i understand there

    It's a nice execute ability and it will now strike harder. It will be more high-end PvE viable.
    Edited by Fecius on 3 July 2015 11:31
    - Looking for Progress PvE Guild!
    - Ex Ætherius Eight / Ætherius Raid PC EU
    - World First Sanctum Ophidia Difficult Mode (1.5.8 at January 21, 2015)

    - PvE Dunmer Magicka Sorcerer
    - YouTube

    - Under sun and sky Outlander, we greet you warmly!
    - Под этим Солнцем и небом мы тепло приветствуем тебя!
  • Roselle
    Fecius wrote: »

    Well, there are tons of wine that people get oneshoted in PvP. They try to add a possibility of counterplay from both sides - attacker and defender.

    It's a nice execute ability and it will now strike harder. It will be more high-end PvE viable.

    Wine? I want wine. Wait, it's Friday...!

    This one was rekt by Zenimax
  • BuggeX
    Fecius wrote: »
    It's a nice execute ability and it will now strike harder. It will be more high-end PvE viable.

    I know, but mby my english isnt well enought, will try aigan.

    ATM you can cast Mage Wrath on target while it have 40% HP, The execute "debuff" will stay there for a short time.
    If you manage to take the target to the executephase in time, the Execute Debuff will proc.

    They mentioned (wath i understand) that this will no longer happen, so Mage Wrath has to be casted in the executephase to deal the extra dmg, like all other executes.
  • Fecius
    Roselle wrote: »

    Wine? I want wine. Wait, it's Friday...!


    Hate my spelling :D
    - Looking for Progress PvE Guild!
    - Ex Ætherius Eight / Ætherius Raid PC EU
    - World First Sanctum Ophidia Difficult Mode (1.5.8 at January 21, 2015)

    - PvE Dunmer Magicka Sorcerer
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    - Under sun and sky Outlander, we greet you warmly!
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  • Chesimac
    Roselle wrote: »

    So what counts as a "prolonged" fight?

    This change could be good or bad. I'm not sure yet.

    Edit: Already answered
    Edited by Chesimac on 3 July 2015 11:33
  • Fecius
    BuggeX wrote: »

    I know, but mby my english isnt well enought, will try aigan.

    ATM you can cast Mage Wrath on target while it have 40% HP, The execute "debuff" will stay there for a short time.
    If you manage to take the target to the executephase in time, the Execute Debuff will proc.

    They mentioned (wath i understand) that this will no longer happen, so Mage Wrath has to be casted in the executephase to deal the extra dmg, like all other executes.

    It will remain like you said. You can cast it before 20% and it will explode within 4 seconds right at 20% HP of you target.
    Edited by Fecius on 3 July 2015 11:33
    - Looking for Progress PvE Guild!
    - Ex Ætherius Eight / Ætherius Raid PC EU
    - World First Sanctum Ophidia Difficult Mode (1.5.8 at January 21, 2015)

    - PvE Dunmer Magicka Sorcerer
    - YouTube

    - Under sun and sky Outlander, we greet you warmly!
    - Под этим Солнцем и небом мы тепло приветствуем тебя!
  • BugCollector
    So that's it for Templar? Really, these are just fixes, no buffs.
    May knowledge guide you to enlightenment
  • bertenburnyb16_ESO
    Argonian passives still screwed (not everybody is a potion chugger)
    no stam regen while blocking, ok I understand the pvp standpoint, but pve tanking will be hard methinks
    Haze Ramoran Dunmer Dragonknight Tank/Dps – Smoked-Da-Herb Saxheel Templar Tank/Healer

    Red Diamond, Protect us 'til the end (EU EP Thorn)
  • Fecius
    So that's it for Templar? Really, these are just fixes, no buffs.

    As it was said, it's just a teaser and not a patch note. So only few changes were described. And at the end of the day no one promised a buff - all is for reaching a balance.
    - Looking for Progress PvE Guild!
    - Ex Ætherius Eight / Ætherius Raid PC EU
    - World First Sanctum Ophidia Difficult Mode (1.5.8 at January 21, 2015)

    - PvE Dunmer Magicka Sorcerer
    - YouTube

    - Under sun and sky Outlander, we greet you warmly!
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  • Reeko
    I'm liking these changes so far. Thanks for posting this info! Cannot wait for my kittys claws to be sharpened! :)
  • lucian_banneb18_ESO
    Did they say anything about DLC's? Something like you'd have to buy the Imperial City DLC to "unlock" VR16?
    If so, the info can be added to the initial post.
    Also, they will introduce new armor sets and weapons with the expansion?

    And a question to ZoS (or to whoever knows), if you are a subscriber, can you confirm that you don't have to buy any DLC to have access to all new content and options?

    Thank you!
  • Reeko
    Did they say anything about DLC's? Something like you'd have to buy the Imperial City DLC to "unlock" VR16?
    If so, the info can be added to the initial post.
    Also, they will introduce new armor sets and weapons with the expansion?

    And a question to ZoS (or to whoever knows), if you are a subscriber, can you confirm that you don't have to buy any DLC to have access to all new content and options?

    Thank you!

    A subscriber does not need to buy the dlc
  • Fecius
    Did they say anything about DLC's? Something like you'd have to buy the Imperial City DLC to "unlock" VR16?
    If so, the info can be added to the initial post.
    Also, they will introduce new armor sets and weapons with the expansion?

    And a question to ZoS (or to whoever knows), if you are a subscriber, can you confirm that you don't have to buy any DLC to have access to all new content and options?

    Thank you!

    Nothing was said about IC or DLC in this ESO Live. But we know some facts from previous ones:

    * You need not to buy DLC to get vr 16 since it's a major thing that take part in gameplay of everyone.
    * You need not to buy DLC if you have ESO+ subscribtion.
    * New items, sets, etc will bit intordused in some near future (after July 13th).
    - Looking for Progress PvE Guild!
    - Ex Ætherius Eight / Ætherius Raid PC EU
    - World First Sanctum Ophidia Difficult Mode (1.5.8 at January 21, 2015)

    - PvE Dunmer Magicka Sorcerer
    - YouTube

    - Under sun and sky Outlander, we greet you warmly!
    - Под этим Солнцем и небом мы тепло приветствуем тебя!
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