So, as many people know, werewolves are broken right now. I have an entire thread covering every issue that the community and I have come across, and there are a bunch of other threads that talk about the same thing. The biggest issue is the ultimate cost, but many other people are p*ssed about not being able to show off to your friends that you went through the massive pain in the ass that it is to become a werewolf. To this, I say you should at least get a title after completing the werewolf or vampire quests that actually say "werewolf" and "vampire" under your character name. The titles would obviously be toggleable, and you would lose them if you cured the diseases.
Also, a ton of other people want ZOS to make werewolf transformation toggleable rather than an ultimate ability. Until this point, I thought that would be a dumb idea because it would make wolves OP. But, after thinking about it, it could work with proper disadvantages added alongside it. Here's my ideas: the transformation would remain an ultimate ability that would only cost around 100-200 ultimate to activate (people are suggesting it shouldn't cost anything to toggle the transformation on and off, but it needs to in order for it to be balanced). Also, there would be no time limit as to how long you can stay in the form. However, once you activate the form, your character does not transform immediately. You must go through 5 stages where your character will look more and more like a wolf (the 1st stage is human form, 5th stage is full werewolf form).

You would be in stages 1-4 for around 15 seconds, adding up to a full minute before you reach the all-out werewolf form (stage 5). Once the transformation ultimate is activated, your character would put away his or her weapon(s) and would only be able to use the werewolf attack animation. At the 1st stage, however, you would only do 20% of the damage you would at the 5th stage. At the 2nd stage, you would do 40%, 3rd you would do 60%, 4th you would do 80%, and, obviously, at the 5th stage you would do the normal, boosted damage that comes with being a werewolf - based on your max stamina. Once you have activated the transformation, however, there would be no getting out of it for at least 5 minutes. Maybe ZOS could even make it so that town guards (in the PvE world) and all NPCs in your alliance's keeps (in PvP) become hostile towards you while in wolf form to add to the immersion. Devour could be turned into an ability that provides you health and stamina when activated and, maybe, after eating a set amount of enemies, you could gain the option to turn back into human form early by pressing the ultimate hotkey again.
Just an idea, what do you think?
Edited by Zromguy_ESO on April 14, 2014 11:16PM