Should I discard my Templar???

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I have recently been reading a number of discussions on the forums discussing the overall "underpoweredness" of Templars at veteran levels...

I am currently level 24 and really enjoying my build/the gameplay. However, if by the time I reach endgame it will become almost impossible to solo/perform in groups as dps or tank/pvp, I would rather not invest the time and energy into this class.

My question is, can I get a real rundown from someone with experience in the Templar class and their time spent in the veteran levels?

NOTE: I am not a healer, strictly looking to pve tank, and perform well in pvp.
  • nephitis
    you wanna play dd or tank take another class trust me ^^.
    Templar from my view just really sucks.

    i play mage and owning hard in pvp dk also just really is perfect as tank in pvp or dd

    After 4 hours rvr now with templar just screw this god damn class
  • Tarwin
    Can't comment on Vet as only 46. I know I have wasted skill points while dabbling on different trees, but lvl 50 in 2H, lvl 40 in 1H and shield and can't recall my Restoration, but in the 30's I believe

    I have settled into 1H and Shield (especially now I have Bash skill) and pull out the 2H for trash mobs and slow big mob's . I play like a Paladin with a single heal in both weapon setups and have no real problems soloing or completing Bosses anymore. Not a lot of exp in PvP

    Really enjoying myself
  • imobius
    Soul Shriven
    Templars are unfortunatly lackluster in every role.

    Their only strenght is pure healing output and burst healing that the Restoration Staff skills can't do. But as a compensation, their resource regeneration is god awful. They have little to no ways to manage their magicka/stamina, Equilibrium is a joke.
  • nephitis
    the damn spear makes with vl10 54 damage per tick that is a 216 damage oO i make with one shield bash 376 damage till i make one spear i damage 2 times with shield minimum so every *** damage spell what a templar have is just good for nothing.
  • Aaren
    Templar's can absolutely tank anything in game just fine. DK's definitely have the lead in CC, but otherwise you are very much on equal footing. As a templar you have so many tools at your disposal to solve any and every problem thrown at you. Most trash is just AoE'd down anyway, but you can supplement your weak AoE CC with volcanic rune from the mage guild. Single target you are arguably better than DK's. You have more blocking mitigation than any other class, you have great stamina regeneration, and the best healing.
    I think DK's may be slightly ahead in PvP, but they are ahead of everyone.
  • nephitis
    you sir don t know what you are talking about.
    My dk makes his heart getting 40% more stamina reg.

    My friend is dk vl10 he never absolutly never run out of stamina.
    he can guard the whole boss fight never have to take the shield down.

    so pls don t tell things who are not right.

    Edit: In pvp he just waits till the enemys run out of stamina root them makes flag and instant 3-6 people dieng
    Edited by nephitis on May 14, 2014 6:57PM
  • djosh79cub18_ESO
    I don't know why everyone seems to think that Templars have to run around in heavy armor and Aedric spear to do any kind of damage. Since I main as healer, I've gone the Magicka focused route as a Dawn's Wrath caster for DPS. Full light armor and Resto staff for the 10% damage increase. My DPS build is as follows:

    Single Target Bar: Resto Staff(all morphs)
    Vampire's Bane
    Dark Flare
    Purifying Light
    Binding Javelin
    Unstable Core/Situational (heal, defense spell, CC, etc)

    AoE Bar: Destro Staff (morphs)
    Volcanic Rune
    Unstable Wall of Elements
    Inner Light

    So there is my Templar Mage. I can burst 450-600 DPS at Vet 4 content, and rarely have problems soloing or running out of Magicka. Maybe the higher Vet levels will be hard, but that;s what people said about Vet levels period. So far, its a breeze.

    Does a Sorc make a better Mage/Caster? Of course they do, but I rolled a healer. This is what I run when I am questing or not healing. It works pretty damn good for me.

    Also, the Magicka regen/sustain could be better on a healing Templar, but I find it perfectly manageable with a few pots here and there and proper gear/build. If you're trying to run around in Heavy Armor with a S&B and heal.....then ofc you're going to have major Magicka issues.


    EDIT: Just saw that you are wanting to TANK.......

    Please, for the love of all things good in the world, re-roll a DK. Thank you.
    Edited by djosh79cub18_ESO on May 15, 2014 1:55AM
  • nephitis
    Hold wait 450 600 dps?
    yeah i beliefe you trash aoe pulls or?
    BUt no chance for singel target.

    I tested the same out.
    single target 276 dps i have in mind was 1 weak ago.

    well i tell you a nightblade is really bugt and makes 900 dps on a bossfight my friend.
  • methodofmind_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    V10 Templar here who has tried dozens of builds. I would re-roll or wait patiently for changes. Healing is the only thing even close to being viable.
  • djosh79cub18_ESO

    Well now, I haven't tested being DPS in vet dungeons so I can't comment on that, since I am always healing in those.

    Single target DPS while questing/soloing, yes I do 450-600 DPS. It is also WAY higher if questing with a partner, since purifying light is doing 36% of his damage if you keep it applied to the target. I also put all my attribute points in health so i have over 2100 with PvP buffs, and ALL my gear is Magicka enchants. I pop Magicka food like tic-tacs and my jewelry is Magicka Recovery/Spell damage, which also increases healing. I also have ~30% spell crit depending on PvP buffs (without Inner Light).

    So questing/public dungeons/delves....yes those are the numbers I get. AoE dps is easily over 1k. Usually 1200-1300 depending on number of mobs.

    On level normal quest mobs.......

    I cast Purifying light....Binding Javelin....Dark Flame.....Vampires Bane....then channel resto staff. They are usually dead at the point that Purifying light goes off.

    For pulling multiple mobs (3+) I switch to my AoE bar and Volcanic rune, Wall, Pulsar til dead.

    I rarely even take any damage and if I do, most mobs are dead before i reach 50% for certain.

    I've played this build for a long time now, so I know my limitations. For normal, on level questing, I have no problems at all killing mobs or surviving.

    CC is HUGE in vet ranks also. I find it mandatory, really.

    I also have all relevant skill lines at level 50 with ALL passives. Light Armor, Resto Staff, Destro staff, ALL class skills and passives level 50. I'm also a Breton.

    There are so many variations in the game, that it is hard to compare apples to apples.

    I actually re-rolled to this Templar FROM a NB. I originally rolled a NB healer and Templar can just do so much more burst healing.....the NB really isn't close for healing. I find my Templar Mage easier to quest and solo with than my NB.

    I do agree with what a lot of people say.....if you want to mainly play DPS or Tank, Templar is not the class for it right now. I've stated multiple times, I MAIN as a healer. If I wanted to MAIN as a mage, then I would roll a Sorc.

    I do not agree that DPS Templar is not's perfectly viable, but Sorcs/NB do it better. Just like other healers are viable, but Templars do it better.

    The ideal 4 man group IMO is DK Tank, Templar Healer, Sorc and NB DPS. Those are the roles that each class seems to do best.

    Edited by djosh79cub18_ESO on May 14, 2014 8:05PM
  • nephitis
    When i farm i also make 1200 burst dps.
    make a long fight and you see how really bad a templar is.
  • djosh79cub18_ESO
    nephitis wrote: »
    When i farm i also make 1200 burst dps.
    make a long fight and you see how really bad a templar is.

    Yea, it's not like I would ever say "Looking for DPS for Vet dungeon, must be Templar!" :o

    If you're talking being a DPS/Tank main for end game PVE/PVP, I completely agree.......don't be a Templar. For now anyway.

    I just see so many people talking having problems leveling or doing solo content, and that hasn't been my experience at all.

    Please please don't ditch your Templar. Everyone thinks their class sucks at veteran levels but any class can do just fine. Also even if it is lackluster later by the time you get their there will be fixes amd nerfs to the so called op classes. Even the NIghtblade can work at veteran levels. Whatever you do don't ditch a class because of what others are saying about struggling at levels higher than you. Here's the thing, you can find threads on every class about how they suck or how they need love from the devs, the only one that you don't here much about sucking is DK but that tells me two things. One is the other classes will be brought up to par or DK will get a major nerf.

    That said run an alt if you want, as long as you have fun. If you enjoy the class you choose better than your Templar then stick with the new class, if your not having as much as fun with the new class go back to the Templar and stick with it.
  • methodofmind_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    Djosh this game really is not that hard from a solo quest/dungeon delve viewpoint. Any class when built correctly can steamroll through all of the content without breaking to much of a sweat. The moment you take a DPS Templar or Tank Templar into your VR dungeon, your gimping the entire group. I would never say it can not be done, this game really isn't THAT difficult, but your without a doubt gimping your group. Anyone can argue with me all they want, but I have had way to much time on my hands since this game launched admittedly, thus been able to test a plethora of builds for both DPS and Tanking VR content, and none of it is truly viable when compared to what other classes can bring to the table. Templar healer is the only thing that even comes close. Aside from VR dungeons, your other endgame option is PvP. Everyone should know by now that Templars who are not healing in PvP, are beyond terrible. Its simply a fact that goes without saying. Templar needs some love, there is absolutely zero question about it.
  • Vorkk8383
    I have heal staff as my main. What other weapon(s) should I prepare for V? It seems from reading the boards that there is no balance, etc atm and that you need a cookie cutter build. So as a templar who's mainly heals, what direction do I want to take to get there and not be screwed?
  • tplink3r1
    nephitis wrote: »
    the damn spear makes with vl10 54 damage per tick that is a 216 damage oO i make with one shield bash 376 damage till i make one spear i damage 2 times with shield minimum so every *** damage spell what a templar have is just good for nothing.
    432* (single target) + 170~200 (burning light).
    Edited by tplink3r1 on May 14, 2014 8:20PM
    VR16 Templar
    VR3 Sorcerer
  • ZiRM
    I was a hardcore Templar supporter in beta but after playing it to 50 I scrapped my character and haven't looked back. The only other character I would even think of making an alt for would be a DK. Taking it to VR 10 soon to be 12... highly doubtful. I say scrap it if you're not happy while your at lower levels.
    Want to become Vampire? 5k @ZiRM in game.
    ESO Server Status. ( ^_^)o自自o(^_^ ) SkåL!!!!!
  • malais
    V10 Templar here who has tried dozens of builds. I would re-roll or wait patiently for changes. Healing is the only thing even close to being viable.

    Pretty much this. At mid vet lvl I can out heal burst dps with little issue. I have a mana battery setup and can fire of 6-7 class heals without resorting to resto staff in pvp. So sword board with resto staff mostly for mana recovery.

    Beyond that I am pretty much useless.

    The big problem is even with magika maxxed out damage skills DO NOT SCALE in vet levels. Someone mentioned shield bash doing more dps than the spear and they are correct. My magika is well past the soft cap and regen is sitting at 92 and my class dps skills hit for crap.

    Using blue shield and sword purple resto staff and all blue armor 5 la 2 ha.

    I can out heal standard spam from a dk and keep the group up but that doesn't really help when trying to level.
  • Shaun98ca2
    If you LIKE the Templar class then DONT reroll. Jumping on the FOTM will get you QQ with the rest the instant they are properly balanced.

    Templar has AMAZING potential with Backlash either morph version.

    BUT at the same time your looking to DD and TANK as your main roles. YOU MIGHT have been happier with DK.

    I guess you have to ask yourself WHY you choose the class you did and is it really worth playing in the long run......base that on whether you like the skills given to them...remember there will always be balancing so gotta factor out current performance.
  • Nox_Aeterna
    The ONLY place where a templar shine , is PvP heals.

    Out of that , you can at most equal another class in the task if not perform worse than them.

    Ofc , like was said above , balance changes still , clearly , zen wanted DKs to tank better than others.

    So my advice is , if you want a tank/dps , go DK , templar will probably stay more turned to heals for a long time yet , till they add many more skill trees into this game.
    Edited by Nox_Aeterna on May 14, 2014 10:23PM
    "Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity."
    -Hanlon's razor
  • Shaun98ca2
    The ONLY place where a templar shine , is PvP heals.

    Out of that , you can at most equal another class in the task if not perform worse than them.

    Ofc , like was said above , balance changes still , clearly , zen wanted DKs to tank better than others.

    So my advice is , if you want a tank/dps , go DK , templar will probably stay more turned to heals for a long time yet , till they add many more skill trees into this game.

    I wouldn't say they wanted DKs to tank better than others. Its still arguable that Templars are better healers. DKs have more TOOLs to tank. But Templars have some nice tanking tools to in the spear line SUN SHIELD.
  • Nox_Aeterna
    Shaun98ca2 wrote: »

    I wouldn't say they wanted DKs to tank better than others. Its still arguable that Templars are better healers. DKs have more TOOLs to tank. But Templars have some nice tanking tools to in the spear line SUN SHIELD.

    I said PvP healers , in the end , other classes can heal , but the templar can do burst heals easilly , i dont think others can match those , still i might be wrong here.

    And again , you got around to the point. DKs have more tools to tank , and they will have those for a long time. Even if they balance the game , DKs will still have more options when it comes down to tanking, they were meant to have those clearly.

    So if he wants a dps/tank , better pick DK , it will take , probably , a long time till we see enough trees added into game , that the class will not really matter a lot.

    Ofc , we are talking when they finally balance this game , cause right now , you cant really even compare a DK and a templar heh.
    Edited by Nox_Aeterna on May 14, 2014 10:47PM
    "Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity."
    -Hanlon's razor
  • nephitis
    man no chance.
    a dk have baseline 10% less damage this is mighty against thet block stuff sorry.
    a dk just don t get damage never run out of stamina and have his personal armor on his back not a tiny little single armor buff,
  • djosh79cub18_ESO
    Djosh this game really is not that hard from a solo quest/dungeon delve viewpoint. Any class when built correctly can steamroll through all of the content without breaking to much of a sweat. The moment you take a DPS Templar or Tank Templar into your VR dungeon, your gimping the entire group. I would never say it can not be done, this game really isn't THAT difficult, but your without a doubt gimping your group. Anyone can argue with me all they want, but I have had way to much time on my hands since this game launched admittedly, thus been able to test a plethora of builds for both DPS and Tanking VR content, and none of it is truly viable when compared to what other classes can bring to the table. Templar healer is the only thing that even comes close. Aside from VR dungeons, your other endgame option is PvP. Everyone should know by now that Templars who are not healing in PvP, are beyond terrible. Its simply a fact that goes without saying. Templar needs some love, there is absolutely zero question about it.

    Did I miss the part where I disagreed?

    I've healed groups with Tanklars, and I prefer a DK any day and twice on Sunday.

    Like I said many times.....I main heals. That's the role I want to play in end game. I tried Vet content healing with a NB. I re-rolled a HEAL.

    Like you said......I don't have problems with solo content.

    The OP asked about soloing as well as group content DPS and Tanking.

    Soloing and world content is fine.

    Tanking and DPS for group content or pvp end

    But i completely agree.....Please buff Templars! :D
  • Maverick827
    Only if you're playing Reanimator.
  • Nidwin
    Reroll DK if you're not going to heal
    Nidwinqq Templar (healzzz) United Warhammer Vets
    Nidwinqq RR100 Magus till the end, R.I.P. Badlands
  • SwampRaider
    Vr9 Templar Bow/Dw here.

    It's hard on me, but i like the utility of being able to heal and use a bow, or be a sneaky rogue that heals
    Character: Eros, Eros I I, The Paw of Woe
    Class: Templar Healer/MagWarden/ Stam Sorc
    Alliance: DC
    Campaign: Vivec (pc/na)
    Guardians of Daggerfall
  • Sethren
    I play a Tanklar (I guess that's what we're calling them now), and I'm VR3. I have learned my limitations, but I've got a pocket healer that I run with (who is also a templar). We get into sticky situations every now and then, but it's fun. I do have to say though that I enjoy my NB "bloodmage" better. That may be because the bloodmage is my typical playstyle though. I went tank on my templar because our group needed a tank, and the other two players had always played tanks in previous games, but they were burnt out on the tanking role. One went healer (and he's doing amazingly), and the other went dps (also doing awesome). I always played healer or a support healer/dps hybrid. I went tank. It has been an enjoyable experience, but there are definitely limitations. I have seen DKs have an easier time. I can tank, but I am more reliant on my healer and my defensive abilities than DKs appear to be.

    The bloodmage is more my playstyle, but I would not say that I don't enjoy the tanklar. It is fun. I've never played a tank before now, but the other two have said that I've learned quickly. My healer stays alive, so I guess that's good (haha).

    Overall, I would agree with both sides to a point. Side A, yes, the tanklar needs some lovin'. Side B, yes, the tanklar is extremely fun to play, and doable (one just has to learn the limitations of the build).

    Going tanklar instead of a DK would definitely be "the road less traveled."
    Edited by Sethren on May 16, 2014 3:46PM
  • alexj4596b14_ESO
    The ONLY place where a templar shine , is PvP heals.

    Out of that , you can at most equal another class in the task if not perform worse than them.

    Ofc , like was said above , balance changes still , clearly , zen wanted DKs to tank better than others.

    So my advice is , if you want a tank/dps , go DK , templar will probably stay more turned to heals for a long time yet , till they add many more skill trees into this game.

    See I have a problem with your logic. I'm a scorc and a tank, my single target dps dose not exceed 138.33 dps without surge on with surge goes up too 230.00 dps, Templar has a ton more potential for tanking, they don't have a CC true and kite tanking is going too be a problem as well however they have other strength's. They the only other class besides night blade that can tank with SnS, heal, and enable the group too do large amounts of damage. Templars are support tanks, there abilities Help support the group as a whole. Dragon knight tanks are the brick walls and CC masters with damage along with CC. Scorc tanks are AoE tanks with CC and have some decent damage synergy's (I don't mean tanking everything just melee targets while dps make the ranged npc's cry in pain).I don't know enough about night blade too give my opinion.

    Some classes are superior in certain vary specific areas while others are not. Dragons knights are getting talons adjusted, shield bash is getting adjusted. People need too stop looking at dps meeters as if they are the end all too be all, and the same hose for tanking meeters as well. All classes have strengths and weakness that can be exploited but also fix through food and play style.

    Don't scrap all the work you put into a char cuz of what someone else says, if u enjoy the class play it period.
    Edited by alexj4596b14_ESO on May 16, 2014 10:58PM
  • reggielee
    I don't know why everyone seems to think that Templars have to run around in heavy armor and Aedric spear to do any kind of damage. Since I main as healer, I've gone the Magicka focused route as a Dawn's Wrath caster for DPS. Full light armor and Resto staff for the 10% damage increase. My DPS build is as follows:

    Single Target Bar: Resto Staff(all morphs)
    Vampire's Bane
    Dark Flare
    Purifying Light
    Binding Javelin
    Unstable Core/Situational (heal, defense spell, CC, etc)

    AoE Bar: Destro Staff (morphs)
    Volcanic Rune
    Unstable Wall of Elements
    Inner Light

    So there is my Templar Mage. I can burst 450-600 DPS at Vet 4 content, and rarely have problems soloing or running out of Magicka. Maybe the higher Vet levels will be hard, but that;s what people said about Vet levels period. So far, its a breeze.

    Does a Sorc make a better Mage/Caster? Of course they do, but I rolled a healer. This is what I run when I am questing or not healing. It works pretty damn good for me.

    Also, the Magicka regen/sustain could be better on a healing Templar, but I find it perfectly manageable with a few pots here and there and proper gear/build. If you're trying to run around in Heavy Armor with a S&B and heal.....then ofc you're going to have major Magicka issues.


    EDIT: Just saw that you are wanting to TANK.......

    Please, for the love of all things good in the world, re-roll a DK. Thank you.

    I've been leveling sword and board in prep for vet after following many recommendations on the forum. Its going well but I am finding the change from range kiting to melee awkward and not very fluid. I was looking forward to getting Bash but tbh I have a feeling it will be nerfed soon.

    I think I will go back to my destro staff line with a look at your temp sorc build. It also makes more sense as I am mainly a healer but finding the building the heavy armor tanky aspect conflicting. I am doing better when I kite and use those ranged spells, mixed in with some fighter guild. There was some talk of pulsar getting nerfed too.. .any chance of that?
    Mama always said the fastest way to a man's heart is through his chest.
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