I want to disabuse you of the idea that DaoC was a success. It peaked at 250,000 players. Compared to a backyard BBQ that is good, but compared to internet, that sucks. My Neverwinter Foundry missions had that many players! League of Legends has 32,000,000 players, so DaoC is only 1% of LoL! Freakin' Flappy Bird had 50,000,000 downloads, and it can be implemented from scratch in minutes.
Now, it should be easy to see that TESO took a lot more effort to build than those games. The lore-books alone took a lot of effort! But all that effort, and the effort put into other games like SWTOR is just wasted when the same ridiculous mistakes are made over and over.
Seriously, a 3 year old would identify the flaws in a game like these. Who plays a game that is 400 people vs 10 people most of the time? Imagine if the NFL had the Denver Bronco's vs the entire eastern division at once! Its a JOKE.
Chiefwilliams wrote: »I think the number one reason DAoC's pvp was such a success was the very long advancement process that kept you going to improve your character, realm ranks in that game were acquired by pvp which you used points after reaching new ranks to put into stat increases, such as extra hp, higher crit rate, higher resistances etc and then after certain amount of ranks you would unlock special class abilities as well as other active abilities that would substantially set you apart from other players.
Reaching the highest realm rank was a huuuuuuge grind but it was worth it and made you want to keep playing to reach it, max level realm ranked players Ina group of 8 with coordination were capable of taking out groups of 16 or more lower realm ranked players due to sheer power. It broke up the zergs quite a bit because a group of 8 were able to accomplish as much if not more then a Zerg of fresh 50's so it was more beneficial to keep the group small, mainly because the more people that were in the area, more divided the points per player killed were spread out to everyone, a solo kill of someone higher ranked then you was worth about the same as 30 kills in a group of 20. So there were major benefits to keeping things small.
The pvp dungeon will help a lot though I hope, if it has a really great incentive to gain access to it then that would make pvp have at least some sort of goal.
Also, I don't know how much of a difference owning scrolls make, but in DAoC owning both your relics, plus the 4 relics from the other 2 factions would increase your realms magic damage and physical damage by 10% per relic held. Having all 6 gave you 30% damage increase for both physical and magical damage, both in pvp and pve for everyone of every level. It also increased the amount of exp players earned per relic by 10% as well.
When one side had all 6, yah they were tough, but that's what usually fostered a mutual agreement between the other 2 factions to stop fighting each other and jut try to bring down the leading faction.
I think if they brought something like this back into mmo's that try to recreate rvr style pvp it would greatly benefit the game and the genre
That's just my 2 cents. Whether you agree or not, it was a major reason for why that game is still regarded for being the best pvp mmo
I want to disabuse you of the idea that DaoC was a success. It peaked at 250,000 players. Compared to a backyard BBQ that is good, but compared to internet, that sucks. My Neverwinter Foundry missions had that many players! League of Legends has 32,000,000 players, so DaoC is only 1% of LoL! Freakin' Flappy Bird had 50,000,000 downloads, and it can be implemented from scratch in minutes.
Now, it should be easy to see that TESO took a lot more effort to build than those games. The lore-books alone took a lot of effort! But all that effort, and the effort put into other games like SWTOR is just wasted when the same ridiculous mistakes are made over and over.
Seriously, a 3 year old would identify the flaws in a game like these. Who plays a game that is 400 people vs 10 people most of the time? Imagine if the NFL had the Denver Bronco's vs the entire eastern division at once! Its a JOKE.
e.gamemarkb14_ESO wrote: »While this is TESO or ESO, or whatever you want to call it, some of their main backbone comes from DAOC talent. While I think ZOS had good intentions with Cyrodiil, I also believe they could do much much more and having something very similar to "realm ranks" from DAOC would be a good thing.
Some may say, "but I don't want to grind out levels!" - what are you doing already? We have to play AvA a lot to increase our "ranks" and to unlock the AvA skills already.
We have to "grind" in AvA to earn all those Alliance Points (AP) in order to buy the different veteran ranked gear (for those who want it).
We have to "grind" through 2 whole factions worth of VR content in which it really feels like a grind because players are not gaining levels like they did from 1-50. I can understand why it feels like a grind in many regards.
Giving something more, such as a "realm rank" system would be a much more rewarding system in my opinion and experience. I played DAOC for over 5 years and started when it first launched.
Sure they had their issues such as Trials of Atlantis, but besides that, the original setup was an incredible setup and obtaining that next realm rank felt like you actually achieved things while having those points to distribute into really cool skills.
I would love to see something very similar here.
ToA killed the game and after it was around for 6 months they started merging servers. Now quite a few years later it's painless since you can use your bounty points to by your ML's and Arti's. I rolled a skald, leveled him to 50 in 18 hrs played by questing/bg quests. Then got him to rr7 in a month. The game was a lot better than back during ToA's release. Then NNF came out and I unsubscribed.
TOA didnt kill the game, it raised it to the next level. all the awful players quitted cos they couldnt even handle the pve, let alone rvr which was ALOT harder after TOA.
what was left was almost exclusively competitive 8v8 groups and the best era in the history of mmos began.
ToA drove the casuals away since they couldn't compete with the min/max hardcore players in RvR.
jobo11b16_ESO wrote: »
ToA absolutely did ruin the game, when you put a requirement that you have to pve to be able to pvp it destroys any enjoyment with the game. If ToA didn't ruin the game why did they make classic servers? That one expansion caused irreparable harm to the overall health of the game, and you could see it in the popualtions. The best time of DAoC RvR was before ToA released.
only a bad player would say that rly. everyone who was good at the game absolutely loved toa cos it made the gap between good and bad palyers even bigger. like it should always be. it lead to the trash quitting the game which in return lead to an extremely competitive 8v8 scene that would respect code of honor and fair play and not add on each others fights.
they made pseudo classic servers yea. they died after a month when ppl realized how awful classic actually was. skill ceiling in classic is so low compared to toa that a mediocre group could actually compete with the best groups when the good group had everything down and the mediocre group had everything up. that should never happen and it got mostly fixed by toa.
jobo11b16_ESO wrote: »
The thing about subscription games is they require a certain population level to work, once you get below that the game suffers, company gets downsized, updates to the game slow down, more people leave.
yet the game is still going on a subscription base after 14 years. how many modern mmos even survive 2 years before going f2p?
jobo11b16_ESO wrote: »
Its a shadow of what it was, Anarchy Online is still going too, limping along with a skeleton crew.
yet the game is still going on a subscription base after 14 years. how many modern mmos even survive 2 years before going f2p?
let me put it this way, eso wont even make it past year 1
With the amount of grinding in this game already, I wouldn't want to have to grind out "realm ranks" in order to compete in pvp. It's bad enough that you have to do pretty much ALL the other alliances quests already.