NA-Ebon-[Mages Guild Dropouts] open recruiting!/Updates

Maintenance for the week of March 31:
• PC/Mac: NA and EU megaservers for maintenance – March 31, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 8:00AM EDT (12:00 UTC)
• Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – April 2, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
• Playstation®: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – April 2, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
Greeting folks, we are a smaller guild looking to add a few members. We plan on doing PvP, PvE, guild events, what ever the masses are looking to do. We don't consider ourselves to be a hardcore guild by any means, but we do have a focus with how we want to progress. Our idea about ESO; it should be FUN and social, not another job.

**UPDATE** 6/10 So it looks like we have players who decided to not renew their subscription (boo). With that, we are looking for ACTIVE members so we can prepare to enter end-game content. In our guild you will have the benefits of the smaller, closer guild but still see end-game stuff! So for now, we are opening recruitment- we are also looking for someone who would like to be the RAID LEADER. This would become an officer position once we start doing Trials.

**UPDATE** 4/30 We already have a few who can do the vampire bites. I decided to take the werewolf route. Bite will always be free for guild members. So far, I am the only one who is a werewolf- need some company!

Many of us have a lot of experience with MMO's- we raided end game content in WoW, played STO, Neverwinter, GW and a few others. Most of us are in our 30's but we are open to any one, any age so long as it's a good fit!

EDIT: Since I have been asked about this in-game figured I would add another line or two about guild commitments. We offer a no pressure agreement with guild members. There is no percentage to meet when it comes to participating in in-game content. If you can make it, awesome, if not- it's OK. We ask that you just don't flake out so we don't reserve a spot for nothing!
Feel free to message me in-game @Fragorders or check out our Facebook page! Thank you.

Webpage: We just added this webpage about a week ago. We already have a guild contest going on- win some gold!
Edited by Fragorders on June 10, 2014 2:02PM
  • Fragorders
    I wanted to update again, we added another member. Slowly moving towards our goal! Come join us!
  • Fragorders
    Now we're up to 25 folks. Half way there!
  • Fragorders
    Added two new folks tonight so far.....
  • Fragorders
    Up to 28 players now....we have also added a guilds webpage!
  • Fragorders
    We are almost there- 32 members! Come join us while we still have openings!
  • takver
    Soul Shriven
    Hello, what if I'm an MMO n00b? Been playing Elder Scrolls games since Oblivion but I've no MMO experience save this game. Your guild title attracted me :smile: . I'm doing sorcerer in Ebonheart, timezone is PST.

    I play nightly and weekends when I have time. Please add @takver or @tekwitch if I qualify. Do you do Teamspeak too? I much prefer speaking than typing. Thanks!
  • Fragorders
    Yep we have team speak! And no worries about being inexperienced- we have a few folks who are new to the MMO games. We are more than happy to help you out along the way. Sorry for taking so long to reply! I'll see if you are on line now.

    UPDATE: 37 members strong and rising.....
  • Fragorders
    41 members as of tonight. Recruitment closes at 50! Come get your spot before it's too late.
  • Fragorders
    46/50 members- get your spot, probably will close within a day or so!
  • Nottiboi
    Soul Shriven
    If you still have open slots left, I would like to join. Level 18 sorc
  • eduhvidub17_ESO
    I'm also interested! if space is available :)
    Edited by eduhvidub17_ESO on April 30, 2014 4:07PM
  • Fragorders
    Awesome! We still have some room left. What's your ID? I will add you tonight, when I get home from classes. And welcome!
  • eduhvidub17_ESO
    Vanillamon here
  • Fragorders
    OK cool. Thank you. I might have one of my officers send you the invite just in case it might be a little later when I can get on.
  • TheWinterBear
    @TheWinterBear if you have a last slot
  • Fragorders
    Excellent! Invites will be sent out tonight!
  • Fragorders
    Updated our info- please check out the message and links, send me a PST if you are interested and/or want an invite! Thank you.
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