The foul "Empress" Tharn and her Daedric allies have stolen the very heart of the world from us... We are the men and women who once served proudly defending the empire, labeled "traitor" by the very institution that made us, gave us strength, and finally spit us out. In truth, brothers and sisters of the Empire, there are few tragedies as powerful as what has occurred to the people of the heartland of Tamriel. We are forced from our homes to scrape a living among foreigners working the jobs that few would ever wish to do.
We will change that, two men have come from the terror of fleeing their homes to rest in the Daggerfall Covenant. Caius Stianos "Colovius" Aquillius and Percius Calvus Macro have gathered Imperials from the heartland and seek to take back our homes from the horrors that now nest in their desecrated forms. For this purpose we have created a company of soldiers, veterans of the Legion and many who now flock to our banner as newcomers. Imperial, Breton, Orc, the legion has always taken fighting men from all across the Empire and the Cyrodilic Cohort is no different.

We are not only fighters or warriors, we are creators. Like any other functioning military unit, we require specialists of all kinds; healers, crafters, couriers, and the like. We take the weak and turn them into the strong, we take the strong and make them stronger. Regardless of skill-set or lack-thereof, The Cyrodilic Cohort will become your new home.

We have been sanctioned by the Covenant to function as a military company, fighting for our homes in Cyrodiil as well as fighting threats in the Covenant to fund the reclamation of our homeland. We will be unwavering in our discipline and unstoppable in our might.

The Cyrodilic Cohort will function as a military guild with a heavy legion theme. The guild will also be available as soldiers for those with the coin to purchase their distinct expertise in the field of war. We will have rigid IC discipline and hope to have events frequently as well as clients lined up for RP right from the start. We will not tolerate any excessive drama OOC, and all conflicts will be resolved outside of the guild. We plan to be a tight knit group and will spends hours on end RPing and just hanging out.

These ranks are based off of a combination of Imperial Roman ranks and the ranks found in The
Elder Scrolls: Skyrim. Due to the nature of the time period we can not know the exact ranks of the Legion until we are In Game and they may change when more information is released.
Auxiliary: A recruit, on probation until they can be trusted.
Legionary: The basic rank of all within the Cohort, Legionaries are the most versatile fighting rank, capable of being anything from heavy infantry to Battlemages.
Quaestor: A senior Legionary who assists a squad leader with discipline and organization.
Decanus: The leader of a squad, a Decanus is expected to have a grasp on the functionality of the legion and how it moves as a cohesive unit
Optio: The senior officer below a Centurion, they are there to assist the Centurion in any and all of his/her affairs.
Tribune: The Tribune functions as the senior Optio serving directly under the First Centurion but ranking below the other Centurions
Centurion: The leader of a century, and the highest office currently achievable.
First Centurion: The head of the Centurions, he has directly military control of them and shares authority with the Prefect.
Prefect: The highest rank within the Cohort, the Prefect shares power with the First Centurion and it the overall leader of the guild.

Recruitment is open to all races within the Daggerfall Covenant, your character must be disciplined enough to handle a Legion environment which will include things such as standing in formation as well as in-character combat drills. We are excited by the sheer amount of amazing Imperial characters and hope that we can have an amazing community. You can apply here:
For more information please contact
@Bristol2025, or