GSA - Track, sort, archive your guild sales (offline - forever) - time to update or take a 2nd look!

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Hi all,

I've been working on this mod for a few months.

It's great tool to add value to your guild store selling experience.

1-build an offline database of all your sales (no limit)
2-see all the sales you made today or any other day using the calendar built in to the program
3-see an organized list of all your sales by item name
4-view all the sales of an item over time (columns are sort-able by mouse click)
5-see the quality (color) or an item offline
6-it can handle more data than any in game addon and it uses no LUA memory
7-it does not take up any ESO screen real-estate. If you have dual monitors your going to love this.

I'm working with 4 months of data now and I am making a lot more money. The more history you have on how an item sells the better you are at selling it.

If something like this interests you check GSA out at:

I am sorry it's Windows only.

Edited by DrHarmful on February 4, 2015 12:08PM
  • Stroggnonimus
    I was looking for such addon for a few months now ! I hate how you get single message saying that you sold something, but I dont know what was sold, when and in which guild store.

    And your awesome addon fixed this ! I can easily track what, where and when was sold ! Tnx mate !
    Whoever said that argonians aren't sexy, is obviously not a sexy argonian.

    OG Argonian tank


  • DrHarmful
    Glad to help.

    It also alerts you in game to real time sales :-)

    I never thought to mention here on the official forums (doh).

    If you need any help/support with the online or offline component just reach out.

    PM or email me from my profile on ESOUI

  • Flaminir
    Just downloaded this and tested it... FANTASTIC!!!! Exactly what I needed... lets you see all the data you need, analyse it, and with the offline module & twin screens you can see what you need to craft on one screen and then craft it in game on the other! :)

    AND then you have a list of which stores you need to restock with what items as well... perfect! :)

    This is going to save me hours and hours!
    GM of the Unholy Legacy
    Sorcerer Flaminir (Magicka) / Staminir (Stamina)
    Templar Elixiia (Magicka/Healer) / Lotti Velooni (Magicka)
    DragonKnight Xalora Flaminar (Tank) / Unholy-Dragon-Toad (Tank)
    Nightblade Aimee Owlious (Magicka) / Myttens (Stamina)
    Warden: Frosti-Tute (Magicka/Healer) Boops-Many-Snoots (Stamina/Tank)
  • Nestor
    I have been looking for something like this. I will try it out tonight. Thank you for your work and efforts on this.
    Enjoy the game, life is what you really want to be worried about.

    PakKat "Everything was going well, until I died"
    Gary Gravestink "I am glad you died, I needed the help"

  • DrHarmful
    no problem - that offline program was a lot of work but it's come out really nice - just never thought about announcing it here. It's been out on ESOUI for over a month.

    It's nice that all that work is appreciated :-)

    Don't forget to check the options tab.

    It's still in development - I hope to either add graphs over time and/or let you export your results or item summary to Excel in a sort-able format.

    Any suggestions or feature requests are welcome - you don't have to make an ESOUI account you can use the email link from my profile.

    or give me a shout on the NA server @dopiate

  • Elsonso
    The main problem with this replacement for Shopkeeper is that it doesn't retain all the functions that were in the original. This is why I have elected to continue keeping my own version of Shopkeeper up-to-date with the latest API changes.
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  • ZOS_TristanK
    Hey, folks. Just wanted to pop in and let you know that we've moved this thread to the Addons section. Thanks!
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  • DrHarmful
    The main problem with this replacement for Shopkeeper is that it doesn't retain all the functions that were in the original. This is why I have elected to continue keeping my own version of Shopkeeper up-to-date with the latest API changes.

    It's not a Shopkeeper replacement - it was never was intended to be. It's is it's own thing.

    It's was just at the current time every Shopkeeper replacement that was/is available publicly is STILL buggy and suffers from bad math, bad tool tips plus I don't like the new scanning method/Lib. Basically I felt bad for those who were struggling with a program that I had working and bug free. So I left it in, I have modified a lot of the original code and to be totally honest I only kept the GUI in game due to multiple requests.

    The only reason they are continually mentioned together is I used Shopkeeper as the starting point for my addon.

    In all honestly the real power in this addon is in the offline program and the building of a permanent database. Except for the "offline summary report" which comes up when you log in (and the real time sales alerts), I don't use the in game part at all. Not one bit.

    Most people start off this way.

    1) I only want it because it's like Shopkeeper and that's all I need.
    2) eventually they get curious and actually setup the offline component but don't really intend to use it, see no use for it, it's not valuable.
    3) slowly the data builds up and they end up using the offline component almost exclusively.

    The offline component is the real edge, the part that adds the most value to your ESO experience. I know people who open it up and never close it because you can just load new sales while it's running.

    There are those that need to see the "All Sales" portion that it no longer supports and I get that but I would say most people just start out with the mindset of well "it's a working Shopkeeper" but in reality it's NOT Shopkeeper and the parts I kept are a nice GUI for my data collector.

    I've gotten feedback from people about the offline component even though they never used it. Can you really review a product you never used? LOL some people do and I would say 99% of them are converts once they get over preconceived ideas about what it is and actually try it.

    I just helped a guild-mate over TS get it going and she was so excited. I don't know what people imagine the offline part is but no matter what your expectations are it seems to always surpass them.


    PS for @lordrichter - keep yours - I've given you the opportunity to keep whatever sales tools you want but also get the offline portion.

    My intentions were never to force people to use my GSA in game GUI. My original plans were to release it ESO GUI free.
    Edited by DrHarmful on December 9, 2014 12:09AM
  • Sötlimpa
    ATM I'm thrilled I've got an addon that works great! Thanks a lot. I've checked out the offline portion, and it looks like it can be valuable, but my database is a bit empty as of yet, so it's a bit premature to draw any conclusions. I will follow with interest, and try to provide feedback when I get to really use this fine addon.

    "Riding a guar naked through an Argonian temple."
  • DrHarmful
    Hi All - I haven't been to these forums in a while but Guild Sales Assistant has grown, improved and as far as I can tell 100% bug free.

    Please check out the latest version

    Since I first posted here I have add:
    1-sort by guilds only (if you wanted to)
    2-multiple date selector
    3-single date arrow keys to go forward an backward to see how days compare.
    4-REPORTS - if you can see it in the report window, you can export it to CSV!
    5-Data backup option - I suggest you use this NOW and right before Update 6
    6-8% tax cut from Guild Stores toggle on and off

    and COMING soon - I will be giving you the ability to Import TradesMan data directly into GSA!

    Now you can track your Guild Sales and your one on one trades!

    Have a look if you have never see this addon (only available at ESOUI because Curse is a bunch of @#$%@!#@%# heads!)

    If you haven't updated in a while NOW is the time.

    I hope you enjoy my work and it enhances your ESO time online!


    Still not sure - doubt it's of any use?

    Check out this comment directly from my forums
    BigM wrote:
    Just wanted to thank you for making this addon. I was the one at the start that thought it was stupid to have an offline component to look at prices. But I admit I was wrong, this addon is helping me make gold and stay competitive with my prices. along with price tracker and awesome guild store I just can't go wrong.
    Edited by DrHarmful on February 9, 2015 11:54AM
  • AngZ84
    Soul Shriven
    I tried to use this but on first log in after installing I got booted from the server for message spamming (error 318). After 2 more log in attempts with the same results I disabled the add on and was able to play normally so it's definitely the add on caused the issue.

    Shame because it sounds like a wonderfully useful add on.
  • DrHarmful
    GSA got you booted for spamming.?

    I have to assume you are using it with ddShopkeeper and or DataDaedra and/or regular Shopkeeper.

    Of all the sales mods in the game GSA is the least spammy because I do 90% of the work outside the game. The in game GSA part is 10% of what any of the other mods do.

    Since I have never, ever heard of this before can you confirm on a mule or bank toon and just have on GSA -- I'm 99.9% sure it's a conflict not a GSA itself.

    GSA only collects your date --- it doesn't capture everything else like the other addon's mentioned. Check the GSA forums -- you would be the first person to ever mention spamming.

    Also you didn't go to the forums and get the Update 6 version by accident?

    let me know - I will support you until you get it running.

  • AngZ84
    Soul Shriven
    You are correct! I disabled Datadaedra and have not had an issue. Thanks!
  • DrHarmful
    you're welcome

  • AngZ84
    Soul Shriven
    Is there a price tracker that DOES work with this? I am now realizing just how much I relied on those suggested prices...
  • DrHarmful
    I would make two suggestions.

    This is what I use when I'm going to buy or sell.

    I run Price Tracker Updated by Garkin - it's got great tool tip pricing plus it uses a real economic formula that we have been calling "The Time Value of Gold" that gives you a much more accurate suggested price based on WHEN the sale took place instead of just a straight average. So if the price is trending higher this program will suggest a more realistic value.

    I also can't live without GSSEx - it can also be used with filters. If you want to email me (my email is at my ESOUI profile) or PM me there I have a guide on how to use them all together to make a ton of gold.

    My GSA has logged over 1 million in sales now so it's a proven method. To get it all you have to do is ask.

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