Official Discussion Thread for "Test Update 4 on the PTS"

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This is the official discussion thread for the web article "Test Update 4 on the PTS."

Find out how you can participate in our upcoming PTS events, and share your thoughts below!
Jason Leavey
Community Coordinator - The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited
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Staff Post
  • Guar
    I've tried it! I wish there were more people though, it was tough to find a group to do trials and the Arena with. I am really enjoying the new changes and can't wait to play it on the NA server.
    Edited by Guar on August 22, 2014 11:08PM
  • Chesimac
    Man, I wish they weren't adding more veteran ranks. I know it gives more of an incentive for people to quest in (I mean exploit) this Upper Craglorn area, but this will add more separation between new players and maxed players, and I want to be able to craft some legendary maxed armor to use for good.
    Edited by Chesimac on August 23, 2014 12:20AM
  • cuz_mike200
    Can we play on The ESO megaserver while the PTS is downloading
  • Surragard
    The Q&A offer is cool. I like the idea of having an incentive to push people to play on the PTS more.
    I don't always drink Skooma, but when I do I go to the Southwall Corner Club. May you walk on warm sands my friends.
  • k9mouse
    Can we play on The ESO megaserver while the PTS is downloading

    Yes, one can do that.
  • Garwulf
    Dumb Question but how do you roll a VR character.
  • Garwulf
    OK so I found out how to do it. Rolled a VR14 Dragon Knight which when naked (no attributes or skills allocated ) has over twice the health recovery of a naked VR12 Dragon knight with attributes and skills (including passives) allocated . 70 VS 33 .
    Other recovery specs seem the same (magic and Stamina)......
  • Robocles
    Given the fixes from previous PTS (and Beta) sessions... I'll pass.
  • Jmajchszak7
    Soul Shriven
    How do you make the vr 14 character?
  • Garwulf
    How do you make the vr 14 character?
    Go to Character Creation Screen. At top left of Screen there is an 'option box' You can select VR option to create VR Character. I did not notice it as it is at the very top left in the corner and on my 27" Monitor I have to deliberately look there to see it.
  • MercutioElessar
    I didn't check, but will the new update four content really be there and especially, will it be free and available?
    Because when I went to PTS to test update three I wasn't able to do ***. Nothing had been activated, the char didn't have all the achievements granted so I could test all the colors, there was no possibility to get all crafting mats fast and easy... wrote a feedback about it and just hope someone read and reacted on it.

    Edit: Well, @ZOS_JasonLeavey I shared my thought. Do you have an answer?
    Edited by MercutioElessar on August 24, 2014 8:01AM
    If I've ever offended you,
    just know that from the bottom of my heart,
    I really don't give a ***.

  • ZingyDevotee
    This update feels kinda lacking
  • Sunrock
    Well better late then never... But the PTS 1.4 have been live for over a week now.
  • Vahrokh
    Simple question: does this new zone provide soloable level up content or are we meant to beg for a group for months OR grind the same exploitable 3-4 bosses up to VR 14?

    I am so stuffed of not getting (groups for) quests done in lower Craglorn, if this is more of the same it's good bye from me.
    Edited by Vahrokh on August 24, 2014 4:48PM
  • DyingBreed
    I just read through ALL the patch notes fixes everything but STILL did not see the guild bank stacking problem was going to be fixed.I said something about it on the live server someone said that their is a mod for that, so if you guy decide to still not do your job and fix the game but draw a check I guess someone will cover for you.It has only been a problem from day one,but its ok add more content people will forget about it for a few minutes.
    PS:I like how you took down one of my post because i broke the code of conduit i ask for 6 days what code on the 7th day I called and no one could still tell me what code.Nice customer support
  • DyingBreed
    Vahrokh wrote: »
    Simple question: does this new zone provide soloable level up content or are we meant to beg for a group for months OR grind the same exploitable 3-4 bosses up to VR 14?

    I am so stuffed of not getting (groups for) quests done in lower Craglorn, if this is more of the same it's good bye from me.

    Its not called Grindlorn for nothing.
    Edited by DyingBreed on August 25, 2014 8:15AM
  • MartinXKid
    I want to help and participate in the PTS but it's too much spoiler to me as I'm still battling Molag Bal's army in Coldharbor.
    I've downloaded the PTS (Wow! 80G) just in case but I'd rather continue on the story until Craglorn. But expect me to be in your PTS soon though. It will be the first time I would be active in a MMO's PTS. I love TESO so much!!
    "War ..... War never changes"
  • Mountain_Dewed
    Is update 4 being applied as we speak or a later date for NA server?
  • Sunrock
    Vahrokh wrote: »
    Simple question: does this new zone provide soloable level up content or are we meant to beg for a group for months OR grind the same exploitable 3-4 bosses up to VR 14?

    I am so stuffed of not getting (groups for) quests done in lower Craglorn, if this is more of the same it's good bye from me.

    So far I only found 5 quests in upper Craglorn. But I bet more unlocks after those.. So yea... farm bosses is the best way to go after you done those quests. But I suspect those will only gain you 1 level or so. So you need to grind at last 13 to 14 on killing stuff.

    PS: Join a good PvE guild and you will not have problems finding team mates for the group quests in Craglorn.
    Edited by Sunrock on August 25, 2014 6:33PM
  • DyingBreed
    With this being the 4th major patch with lots of other patches before and after the major patches .I was just wanting to know when or if you are going to fix the guild banks stacking problems .I know that their are add-ons that stack the items but anyone that reads this that has a problem with it go to work tomorrow and just do half of your job and then then when you boss ask you about it say oh its ok someone will fix it for me.Just see what you get for half#$% doing your job it would be called the door.
  • MercutioElessar
    DyingBreed wrote: »
    Its not called Grindlorn for nothing.

    Or Craplorn. ;)

    If I've ever offended you,
    just know that from the bottom of my heart,
    I really don't give a ***.

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