CirithValaria a écrit: »Hi all,
I would like to share this tiny improvement idea with huge benefits.
Now that dyes are coming (wuhuuu!) this would make an amazing combo for ultimate character customization & RP experience.
Idea is very simple and the picture below explains it all fairly well.
This is something I really really would like to see in Eso.
All comments are welcome, please share your thoughts (good and bad)...agree's,lol's,'s anything you come up with.
So what do you think ?
You can copy and share the idea (picture) as you see fit.
Thank you for your time and reading!
Have a nice day in Tamriel
ZOS_LenaicR a écrit: »Bonjour,
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Some of the costumes in the Crown Store look like some of the most favorite armor sets in the game, turned into a costume. There are a few lower level armor "looks" in the game right now that are pretty cool, and we've gotten some commentary that players sometimes don't want to upgrade to a new armor piece in the game because they like the they way they look. So, we have several costume packs that basically give you the look of some in-game full armor sets (Lion Guard, for example). We have no plans to sell armor or armor pieces in the Crown Store, just costumes that look like them.
+1les personnes ayant achetés la version impérial du jeu disposent d'une option "Convertir en style impérial" dans l'idée c'est bien... Dans la pratique ca sert à rien puisque ca ne s'applique pas sur les objet de "Loot" et donc le restes des objets est déja fabriquable dans ce style et donc on se sert jamais de l'option.
En revanche, je n'suis pas d'accord là.C'est bien marrant la cosmétique mais si on ne porte pas 7 piéces du même styles c'est juste n'importe quoi.