Official Discussion Thread for "QuakeCon is Coming!"

Maintenance for the week of February 24:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – February 24
Community Manager
This is the official discussion thread for the blog article QuakeCon is Coming! We'd love to hear if you're planning on attending, or even tuning into the panel livestream from home.

If you have a question you would like us to answer during the Q&A portion of our QuakeCon livestream, please reply to this thread with it. Thanks!
Jessica Folsom
Associate Director of Community - ZeniMax Online Studios
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Staff Post
  • Syzmicke
    Do you really think this is wise the state the game is in at the moment.

    I mean you can not pvp properly for the lag.some of the quests are bugged and hold up progression.

    What are you doing to make it viable to PvP and why does some quest get broken from one patch to another?

    The gold sink is way to high to try and play different spec's for someone at vet level you could be paying like 20,000 gold just to repsec one morph that does not perform as it should because the skill line is broken.

    Do you have any plans at all to address the issue of the respec cost's if so what?

    to be honest it feels like i am paying to play beta some of the faults are happening after you have called patch the game to fix things.

    Still waiting for the server to be moved to the EU see if that improves things

    When will the server be moved to the EU?
    Edited by Syzmicke on July 2, 2014 6:31PM
  • kirnmalidus
    I am very curious about the future of ESO. Like, does it even have one?
    Life of a Nightblade (Screenshot Tumblr)

    Attention Zenimax: Stamina builds don't hold up to magicka builds, and this is causing most of your class imbalance. It makes melee weapons and bows weaker than staves and class abilities. It makes medium and heavy armor less desirable than light armor. Fix this imbalance, and you'll address most of your balance issues.

    - @ruze84b14_ESO
  • LunaRae
    @ZOS_JessicaFolsom‌ - Curious you have a live twitch stream (awesome) but there is no opportunity to have a live Q&A from the twitch chat? I understand it would be difficult but a lot of events are beginning to include Q&A from the virtual audience.

    Anyways - Will PvP arena exist in the near foreseeable future? Is it even being considered at this point in time?
    Edited by LunaRae on July 2, 2014 6:37PM
    Stands-Strong-As-Snow ~ Argonian Templar DC NA V14
    Ytheri ~ Argonian Nightblade EP Thornblade NA V14
    Heals-All-Colours ~ Argonian Templar EP Thornblade NA V14
    Stands-In-Still-Waters~ Argonian Sorcerer EP Thornblade NA V2
  • ShedsHisTail
    Syzmicke wrote: »
    Do you really think this is wise the state the game is in at the moment.

    I mean you can not pvp properly for the lag.some of the quests are bugged and hold up progression.

    What are you doing to make it viable to PvP and why does some quest get broken from one patch to another?

    The gold sink is way to high to try and play different spec's for someone at vet level you could be paying like 20,000 gold just to repsec one morph that does not perform as it should because the skill line is broken.

    Do you have any plans at all to address the issue of the respec cost's if so what?

    to be honest it feels like i am paying to play beta some of the faults are happening after you have called patch the game to fix things.

    Still waiting for the server to be moved to the EU see if that improves things

    When will the server be moved to the EU?

    Dude, Quakecon isn't until the 17th... They've got like 14 days before they need to worry about -any- of that.
    "As an online discussion of Tamrielic Lore grows longer, the probability of someone blaming a Dragon Break approaches 1." -- Sheds' Law
    Have you seen the Twin Lamps?
  • dennis95b16_ESO
    Hi, i have severall questions but i rather just write down one and perhaps you can Contact me and i will ask this questions + i have some great idés that i want to share :smiley:

    But here is the question and a good one too :wink: I have seen severall places in Cyrodiil were there is Towers and other kinds of structures, so i wonder will you make players able to enter these? Or rather Sayed, what is your plans for them. Moust of the playes i have played with want to interact with it or want it as a stratigic Place. Would be good of you to change it :smile:
  • hasselhoffman

    Do you plan on implementing a dueling feature for one vs one oriented subscribers that like to PvP, but don't care for the huge epic war that Cyrodil is?

    What are the plans for the center of Cyrodil? Will this be a multifaction safe zone at some point?
  • Noshiz
    What about us from EU that wanna participate ? ><
  • Imperator_Clydus

    When are you planning to implement the Imperial City?

    Do you have plans to re-evaulate how Alliance Points are gained?

    Do you have plans to to discourage emperor trading and changing the passives of being an emperor?
    The First Daggerfall Emperor of Tamriel on Bloodthorn and Guild Leader of Shehai
  • era5or
    Soul Shriven
    Subscription canceled Email! - Thought Id share

    I have today canceled my account subscription because your online game is no longer playable due to your ongoing fps issue for well over a week now. Everything is fine untill I try to use an ability or someone near me does, then FPS drops and locks at around 5-6fps, in both PVP and PVE, its impossible to play this game any more.
    As I have spent well over £100 on this game I am very disappointed with not only your past customer service but your ongoing support with the game in general.

    In the past I have sent in phone requests and also email requests to get fobbed off with some automated email response 24hrs later asking me to re-submit if the problem is still ongoing.

    For a company that apparently values and prides its self in making things look good and work extremely well, you are doing an extremely poor job at that right now.

    I doubt very much if ill even get nothing but an automated response from this but it would be nice to think you value your customers and would look at someway of compensating me for a product that no longer works...

  • tst
    i have a question i would like answered will u add zones that are open pvp with quests kinda like mini cyrodil type area's. i would like to see a zone that is in between 2 alliances and only those 2 alliance can go there and fight but there would be 3 of these zone kinda like contested territory. also each could be controlled completely and give faction wide pvp/pve bonus's... just a thought
  • DKP
    Are there plans to add any additional alliance wide perks to Cyrodiil beyond the buffs? Perhaps an exclusive zone or dungeon in the Imperial City?

    Also, are there any plans to expand crafting? Perhaps the addition of pvp-focused crafting sets hidden in Cyrodiil?
  • jamie.goddenrwb17_ESO
    Do you have any plans to open up portions of the world to have all three alliances questing at once?

    This could be done with or without a world pvp component, even as many mmo's do, add a flag to be vulnerable to pvp or not.

    This would greatly assist with immersion, knowing that the other alliance members are there and also striving for their own goals at the same time your character is.
    I can has typing!
  • VVolfsong
    Soul Shriven
    Question for the Q&A: What are your plans for Werewolves? Besides gameplay updates, are there any plans to work on it's animations (4-legged run animation like Skyrim please!)?

    Werewolves lack the tools needed to be useful in PvP, doesn't really have any place in PvE either, is a pain to level, is full of bugs, and all around not even fun to use besides for RP purposes. To top it all its also the most expensive ultimate ability in the game... I'm personally hoping you guys sit down and redesign every single ability in the entire skill tree, including how one shifts into the form, and then add some new abilities as well.
  • Kego
    Question for the Q&A:

    What are your plans for tweaking the VR Zones to make them more benefit?

    What are your plans for Stamina Builds to compare with Magicka Builds?
  • Syntse
    Nice that there are some information and announcements in QuakeCon. I at least try to watch the stream if it airs proper time for me. Otherwise I'll just watch the recording.
    Syntse Dominion Khajiit Dragonknight Stamina Tank [50]
    Ra'Syntse Dominion Khajiit Nightblade Magica DPS [50]
    Syntselle Dominion Dark Elf Dragonknight Magica DPS [50]
    Syntseus Dominion Imperial Templar Healer [50]
    Syntsetar Dominion High Elf Sorcerer Magica DPS [50]
    Friar Tuktuk Daggerfall Brenton Templar Healer [50]
    Syntseyn Ebonheart Brenton Nightblade Magica DPS [50]
  • LrdRahvin
    Kego wrote: »
    Question for the Q&A:

    What are your plans for tweaking the VR Zones to make them more benefit?

    What are your plans for Stamina Builds to compare with Magicka Builds?

    Questions for the Q&A:

    In regards to the live builds being pushed lately:


  • jj69chevub17_ESO
    @era5or since your leaving ill take all your gold , mats and gear.
  • Aeradon
    Is there a plan to actually push a patch that does not break anything?

    Will this game one day be fixed beyond repair?

    Have you tested any of the patches before rolling them out? How many hours of testing is allocated for each change and how many hours is allocated for all the changes implemented on your test environment?

    Have you ever considered actually rolling full patches into PTS prior to live? And actually listen to PTS bugs and complaints?

    Will you finally admit that PTS is just another PR stunt?

    How many players have unsubscribed since launch? What is the growth or decline in player base?

    Do you personally think, with clear conscience, that this game is worth buying with the constant below 5 FPS?

    How does such a big company allow their signature flagship online game to be at 5 FPS for more than a week and are unable to resolve the matter over one major >4 hours patch and a hot fix?

    How does progress blocking bugs exist in the Main Story quests? How could they be missed over 5 years of development, considering that the main story is the most significant part of the game other than the now laggy AvA?

    When will you be honest and post completely accurate patch notes that do not hidden nerfs and changes?

    When will you listen to your players and began to actually change your attitude rather than performing PR stunts/ninja moves to cover up failures.

    *If FPS still not fixed at QuakeCon*
    How many players have you lost over FPS issue? How will Q4 look? When do you plan to fix the most basic of any games which is FPS?
    People keep telling me they're gonna buy me an ale. They never do.

    There are only two things I can't stand in this world. People who are intolerant of other people's culture. And the Elves.

    Help make this compilation complete!
    Compilation of Ideas and Suggestions
  • Kevinmon
    What about Forward Camps not working in Cyrodiil?

    What about not being able to repair keep walls and doors because the "Item is not ready yet"?

    What about the former emperor passives that are causing players to pass along emperorship among their guild instead of retaining it?

    What about the super speed bug that lets players run scrolls across the map in 2 minutes?

    And the most important question of all...

    What about Nightblade shadowy disguise lasting for only 0.1 seconds since pre-launch?
    Edited by Kevinmon on July 3, 2014 9:18PM
  • kijima
    1. When is Thieves Guild and the Dark Brotherhood to be implemented and the associated skill tree's for those guilds?

    2. What is planned to bring more balance in game with Classes?

    3. What measures are you taking to remove bots, gold farmers, and finally exploiters like the ones that are for the moment going unpunished in PVP even though they are getting into what are supposed to be safe 'home base' areas and exploiting the system with easy kill?

    4. When will builds i.e. Stamina, Health and Magicka builds come into line with each other. As it stands right now, Dragon Knights running around in 7 items of light Armour equipped with a restoration staff are all the rage, surely this isn't what you envisaged with 'play the way you want' right?
    Been here since Feb 2014 - You'd think I'd be half reasonable at this game by now...

    A'marta - AD Sorc Tank
    Kijima - AD DK Derps
    Annure - AD NB Derps
    Boom Crash Opera - AD Sorc DPS

  • Lithion
    Are there any plans to change how the home campaign bonuses work for players who guest to another campaign?

    Currently it's not uncommon to see players set their home in a campaign where their faction owns all keeps and has emperor bonus. Then they guest onto another, more competitive, campaign and farm AP using all bonuses from their home campaign.

    Shouldn't the home campaign bonus be limited to the home campaign?
  • instigator
    Soul Shriven
    How about instead of focusing on the show focus on the F'ing GAME!
  • Raizin
    I cant wait for that AMAZING slideshow pvp tournament, considering fps is still crap :D.
    HellSeesYou = v16/AD/Rank 37-Former emp/EU TB-AZura(Old Auriels Bow badass) ___ Vampire Templar/Resto/Destro staff user from Banana squad
    HellSeesAll - v16/EP/Rank 19 Magicka NB/Necrotic Lag member
    HellSeesUs - v16/AD/Rank 18 Stamina Templar
  • Attorneyatlawl
    1) Imperial City info such as rough timeframe and some more gameplay info? Please...?
    2) When will the UI be improved with more stock functionality? Having to update twenty addons every patch is tedious and annoying.
    3) Dueling... when? Just standard "to zero health" dueling which lets the loser respawn where they died with no penalties. It would add a good activity while waiting around for various in-game events.
    Edited by Attorneyatlawl on July 6, 2014 9:29PM
    -First-Wave Closed Beta Tester of the Psijic Order, aka the 0.016 percent.
    Exploits suck. Don't blame just the game, blame the players abusing them!

    -Playing since July 2013, back when we had a killspam channel in Cyrodiil and the lands of Tamriel were roamed by dinosaurs.
    -In-game mains abound with "Nerf" in their name. As I am asked occasionally, I do not play on anything but the PC NA Megaserver at this time.
  • Schmit
    I gotta agree they should be less worried about adding new content and fix up what they currently have. Cyrodiil slows down to a snail speed. Any time 2 large groups meet, more often then not I can't even see the enemy that killed me 'till after i am already dead.

    But EVEN worse then that is simple quests that worked perfectly fine, then you add a patch to correct issues and and of a sudden they don't work. Both Silent Village and Eye of the Ancient worked find at launch, but I recently made a new character and apparently they stopped working.

    FIX WHAT YOU ALREADY HAVE WE DON'T NEED MORE CONTENT YET. New players are going to jump ship if every zone they enter has several bugged quests and you seem to be doing nothing to fix the issue. I am sure that you are in fact doing something but leaving no replies to bug reports makes people wonder.

    When I started ESO it was in a guild that required 2 guilds to fit all it's members, because of ongoing game play issues very few are still playing. I think were down to about 350 now, and 50% have been inactive for a month or 2.

    I guess my question is are you going to fix things before I lose my temper and give up on ESO as well? I like to give new MMORPG time to fix stuff, but when every time to fix 1 thing you break 10 more it makes me think I am wasting my time, and money.
  • Schmit
    Raizin wrote: »
    I cant wait for that AMAZING slideshow pvp tournament, considering fps is still crap :D.

    They are asking people to register themselves and 3 teammates for said PVP action, so let's assume they have 3 factions with 4 players per team (sounds like a arena, but that can't be because they said they wanted to focus on Cyrodiil for PVP)

    If they can't keep FPS up for 12 people in a small room fighting one another all hope is lost.
  • kewl
    Syzmicke wrote: »
    The gold sink is way to high to try and play different spec's for someone at vet level you could be paying like 20,000 gold just to repsec one morph that does not perform as it should because the skill line is broken.

    Do you have any plans at all to address the issue of the respec cost's if so what?

    I've directly asked the same question and received no response.
  • Weberda
    If today's patch goes badly you may find an empty booth at the show. I know I wouldn't want to be within miles of the place if I was a ZOS employee.
    Fernwood, EP Haderus NA
    Lo Behold, AD Thornblade NA (formerly Haderus, inactive)
  • snowsong
    i would luv to go, even if just to congratulate the ESO Art Team. However, i can't skip work/school to make it to Dallas for QuakeCon this year, so i hope all that do get to go have an awesome fun time and that those also able to participate enjoy their prizes! :) Sounds like a fun plan is already in the works for those attending or watching! :) Glad we can tune into the panel livestream from home too! Thanks ESO. :)

    I was really happy with the Khajiits and various races of Elves in this game! Bravo! For my question i must say that i totally luv the imaginative Woodelf areas of the ESO game, as they look like they came right out of some of my favorite dreams, right down to the tree-huts! i cannot congratulate ESO enough, on the imaginative Artistic beauty of this game that fits so well into the TES world. It actually filled my heart with delight when i first entered Eldenroot in Grahtwood!
    QUESTION: My question is for the Art Team and any others that that worked on these magnificent Woodelf (Bosmer) locales. Can you tell us more about the inspiration for such an artistically lovely and wondrously imaginative presentation of the Woodelf areas, and of the tree-huts they get to live in?

    Congratulations and Thank you. :)
    Edited by snowsong on July 8, 2014 7:02AM
    [Snowsong is using ROG G752VS on NA server.]
  • Mezigoto
    Soul Shriven
    I have two questions.
    1. Are there big changes set for Veteran content, specifically Vet. Dungeons for some of the content is pretty difficult for those groups that don't have massive damage output? It just seems that some of the content has tailed off on damage output on certain bosses rather than skill. I'm not talking about questing, but group Vet Dungeons.
    2. Will you be releasing player dueling of any kind? I'm certain fans of TES would love to see some sort of Imperial style arena's such as the one players encountered in TES4. If so, could it be something released in the imperial city installment *wink**wink*?

    FYI Thanks for the hard work guys, I truly love the game. Just certain problems here and there, but it obvious you are all working to get them fixed.
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