FOr those having delay/FPS issues in PVE zones

I have something you might wanna try. I just completely deleted the UserSettings.txt file in my ESO live folder as well as my ShaderCache.cooked file. Then I loaded up into the game and set my gamma/video settings, etc. Then loaded into the character selection screen(for the game to recreate the Shadercache file) and proceeded to close out the game. Then I opened up the newly created UserSettings.txt file and changed the following line:
SET GPUSmoothingFrames "10" to SET GPUSmoothingFrames "0" saved the changes and loaded back into the game and the issues that crept up for me post 1.2.4 were gone. No more Spell casting delay. No more Graphics rendering delay. Of course more more FPS issues either. I am now back to my usual 40-60+ FPS while questing(70-90 in delves) in these zones, before doing this I was regularly in the mid 20 FPS range. No more is my sun fire ability not showing up 5 seconds after I cast it either!
Maybe it's a fluke and they pushed out a hotfix since I last played. Either way I wanted to share it in the hopes this may alleviate some issues others may be having post 1.2.4.
NerdSauce Gaming
Laughs-At-Wounds - Sap tanking since 03/30/14
ßrandalf - Light armor tanking since 03/03/15
Brandalf Beer-Belly - Tanking drunk since 12/30/16

  • edwar368
    +1 "awesome", for a post that's actually trying to help, has no hint of condescension, fan buy/ESO hater content
    Would be useful if anyone that tries this just politely responds with Yay worked for me" or "sorry didn't help me"
  • stabbykitteh
    Thanks for the tip, I'll give it a test later on today. Every little bit helps :D
  • phairdon
    Going to try this tomorrow & see how much of difference it makes. Thanks.
    Your immersion is breaking my entitlement. Buff Sorc's. Darkshroud the cremator Death by furRubeus BlackFluffy knight BladesThe Fat PantherPsijic Fungal SausageFlesheater the VileCaspian Rafferty FernsbyArchfiend Warlock PiersThe Black BishopEvil Wizard Lizard (EU)Neberra Vestige Fajeon (EU)Salanis Deathstick (EU)Blood Mage Alchemist (EU)
  • Marcaeus
    +1, also go windowed mode.

    This guy may have just saved my sub.

    Zeni you should hire him for being competent.
    Edited by Marcaeus on July 1, 2014 1:52PM
  • SystemiK
    Interesting. Here's to hoping...
  • jambam817_ESO
    Can't wait to get home and try. thanks for the tip
  • Malthorne
    I'll give this a try tonight as well. Thanks!
  • LtCrunch
    Marcaeus wrote: »
    +1, also go windowed mode.

    This guy may have just saved my sub.

    Zeni you should hire him for being competent.

    WIndowed vs fullscreen seems to vary from system to system on which is better in terms of performance. Although I know a lot of GPUs had issues with the new true fullscreen mode when it first got patched in.

    I'm also glad to see I may have saved a sub :)

    NerdSauce Gaming
    Laughs-At-Wounds - Sap tanking since 03/30/14
    ßrandalf - Light armor tanking since 03/03/15
    Brandalf Beer-Belly - Tanking drunk since 12/30/16

  • Perphection
    Testing this now, I'll report back in a few minutes and let you know how it goes.


    Appreciate the effort though, more than any of the people at Zenimax have done.
    Edited by Perphection on July 1, 2014 2:23PM
  • Marcaeus
    Brandalf wrote: »
    Marcaeus wrote: »
    +1, also go windowed mode.

    This guy may have just saved my sub.

    Zeni you should hire him for being competent.

    WIndowed vs fullscreen seems to vary from system to system on which is better in terms of performance. Although I know a lot of GPUs had issues with the new true fullscreen mode when it first got patched in.

    I'm also glad to see I may have saved a sub :)

    They messed with full screen in the last patch. Gained a few fps in windowed.

    Also, make sure you open txt file in admin account, and make sure your user control account settings bar is scrolled down enough to not make it overwrite your settings file back to default.
  • LtCrunch
    Testing this now, I'll report back in a few minutes and let you know how it goes.


    Appreciate the effort though, more than any of the people at Zenimax have done.

    Sorry to hear that. I didn't figure it would work for everyone though :(

    NerdSauce Gaming
    Laughs-At-Wounds - Sap tanking since 03/30/14
    ßrandalf - Light armor tanking since 03/03/15
    Brandalf Beer-Belly - Tanking drunk since 12/30/16

  • Stratti
    Be nice if they acknowledged. I couldn't be bothered playing today because of it. Made the game unplayable. I think my 60 days of sub is up soon ....
  • nawlinzbilly
    Thanks for contributing and not complaining.
  • edwar368
    *** THIS DID NOT WORK ***

    Sad to say, I got around to trying this and it did not work. I just spent the last hour trying multiple things found via Google related to changing the UserSettings, but none seem to have an affect. Neither does disabling all addons, neither does any of the video modes (full screen, Windowed etc). One thing that made it worse was when I changed the graphics driver to D3D9, from D3D11 - My graphics card is a very old Geoforce 8800 Ultra and only supports DX9 and 10.1, but setting it to DX9 made it worse. so back to D3D11.
    What I found quite odd was that changing from "High" quality graphic settings to "Medium" also had very little effect.

    Oh well, I get a new PC in 2 weeks with a GTX780, so hopefully things will pick up then. Still nice to have a thread that's trying to help :)
  • nerevalene
    Soul Shriven
    Thank you. This fixed my infinite load screen after login problem. FPS still drops to < 8, though. At least I get to see my characters now. lol
    Edited by nerevalene on August 18, 2014 7:38AM
    Kymil Valantar - v14 sorc (AD)
    Nulien of Sunhold - V5 templar healer (AD)
    Davrasa Llervu - lvl 24 magicka dk (AD)
    Galla the Younger - lvl 11 dk tank (AD)
    Gary Ghanoush - lvl 6 melee templar (AD)
    Chantal Byerly - lvl 10 templar heals (DC)
    Adalag Hjorvardson - lvl 7 dk tank (EP)
  • Liquid_Time
    There were other players in pvp the other night suggesting this as a fix/temp fix. He/she reported that it worked for them, so I hope it helps the majority. Even just a little difference is a difference after all.

    Thanks for the suggestion, greatly appreciated. +1
    Edited by Liquid_Time on July 3, 2014 5:02AM
    ¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*¨)
    (¸.•´ (¸.•`
       IGN: Liquid Past || Rank: V14 || Class: Nightblade || World Skill: Vampire
  • someuser
    Well I'll be "gosh darned". This actually worked. Added almost 10 fps in PvE!!!!

    And I haven't tried editing the UserSettings.txt (just deleted it and the ShaderCache.cooked file).

    I wasted my evening tweaking and changing the settings, updating my NVidia drivers to the new beta, and nothing. If anything I lost a couple FPS. I tested my FPS by going to an area where my FPS were consistently low and spent almost an hour running in the same circle looking at my FPS meter. At the worst I was at 24 - 27 fps. After doing what you suggested I went to 29 - 36+ fps.

    Awesome @Brandalf.

    Before I change it, what does "GPUSmoothingFrames" control? I hate changing a settings I'm not sure about...

    *EDITED for punctuation*
    Edited by someuser on July 3, 2014 6:20AM
    To make ESO look and feel like a PC MMO check out the following:

    PhinixUI addon-powered interface for ESO
  • Soloeus
    Marcaeus wrote: »
    +1, also go windowed mode.

    This guy may have just saved my sub.

    Zeni you should hire him for being competent.

    They should give him 30 free days!

    Within; Without.
  • Audigy
    edwar368 wrote: »
    *** THIS DID NOT WORK ***

    Sad to say, I got around to trying this and it did not work. I just spent the last hour trying multiple things found via Google related to changing the UserSettings, but none seem to have an affect. Neither does disabling all addons, neither does any of the video modes (full screen, Windowed etc). One thing that made it worse was when I changed the graphics driver to D3D9, from D3D11 - My graphics card is a very old Geoforce 8800 Ultra and only supports DX9 and 10.1, but setting it to DX9 made it worse. so back to D3D11.
    What I found quite odd was that changing from "High" quality graphic settings to "Medium" also had very little effect.

    Oh well, I get a new PC in 2 weeks with a GTX780, so hopefully things will pick up then. Still nice to have a thread that's trying to help :)

    Forget about the GPU, make sure to get a PC with a high end CPU. ESO is CPU limited and not GPU.

    I played ESO at Ultra on 40 FPS with a simple 6950 for many weeks. Don't make the same mistake like many others here did, buying a high end GPU but forgetting about the CPU.

    Crysis is where the GPU matters, at ESO it however does not. :)
  • cazlonb16_ESO
    Most MMOs are heavy on the CPU btw.
  • Cogo
    Not only CPU, you have to get the "#¤#"#¤"# Microsoft to support your CPU. Atm they love Intel, which I am just lucky I had.
    Oghur Hatemachine, Guild leader of The Nephilim - EU Megaserver
    Orc Weapon Specialist and Warchief of the Ebonheart Pact - Trueflame Cyrodiil War Campaign
    Guildsite: The Nephilim

    "I don't agree with what you are saying, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it"

    "My build? Improvise, overcome and adapt!"
  • theyancey
    I agree with these games being CPU dependent. I have no problems with running an older 2nd gen i7. I also have an older GeForce 660 TI. Between those and 20 GB of RAM I have rarely encountered difficulties. BTW, GeForce experience has now added ESO to its list of games that it can auto optimize.
  • LtCrunch
    someuser wrote: »
    Well I'll be "gosh darned". This actually worked. Added almost 10 fps in PvE!!!!

    And I haven't tried editing the UserSettings.txt (just deleted it and the ShaderCache.cooked file).

    I wasted my evening tweaking and changing the settings, updating my NVidia drivers to the new beta, and nothing. If anything I lost a couple FPS. I tested my FPS by going to an area where my FPS were consistently low and spent almost an hour running in the same circle looking at my FPS meter. At the worst I was at 24 - 27 fps. After doing what you suggested I went to 29 - 36+ fps.

    Awesome @Brandalf.

    Before I change it, what does "GPUSmoothingFrames" control? I hate changing a settings I'm not sure about...

    *EDITED for punctuation*

    Fair enough. Basically what this does is it makes your game seem to run more smoothly with fluctuating frame-rates. The problem with it is that in doing so it also reduces your overall game performance(similar to enabling Vsync). Disabling this can pay some pretty massive dividends in terms of overall FPS(10-20 FPS boost), but when your FPS fluctuates it will be more noticeable. Some people won't even notice the difference, some will say having it enabled/disabled makes a game "feel" wrong. So if you disable it and find you prefer it with it enabled then just go back and switch the value back to 10.

    NerdSauce Gaming
    Laughs-At-Wounds - Sap tanking since 03/30/14
    ßrandalf - Light armor tanking since 03/03/15
    Brandalf Beer-Belly - Tanking drunk since 12/30/16

  • Arkath
    theyancey wrote: »
    I agree with these games being CPU dependent. I have no problems with running an older 2nd gen i7. I also have an older GeForce 660 TI. Between those and 20 GB of RAM I have rarely encountered difficulties. BTW, GeForce experience has now added ESO to its list of games that it can auto optimize.

    Does it? I just updated GeForce Experience, but it doesn't find ESO when it scans for games. Bleh.

    -edit- I see there's a list of folders to scan for games. Added the ESO directory and it did pick it up.
    Edited by Arkath on July 3, 2014 6:17PM
    DC Sorc
    Einherjar [EHJ]
  • someuser
    Brandalf wrote: »
    Basically what this does is it makes your game seem to run more smoothly with fluctuating frame-rates. The problem with it is that in doing so it also reduces your overall game performance(similar to enabling Vsync). Disabling this can pay some pretty massive dividends in terms of overall FPS(10-20 FPS boost), but when your FPS fluctuates it will be more noticeable. Some people won't even notice the difference, some will say having it enabled/disabled makes a game "feel" wrong. So if you disable it and find you prefer it with it enabled then just go back and switch the value back to 10.

    I appreciate the explanation. I'll give it a try and see how it works.

    much appreciated!

    To make ESO look and feel like a PC MMO check out the following:

    PhinixUI addon-powered interface for ESO
  • someuser
    Cogo wrote: »
    Not only CPU, you have to get the "#¤#"#¤"# Microsoft to support your CPU. Atm they love Intel, which I am just lucky I had.

    Intel is just making better chips at the moment... AMD has weak core to core performance compared to the i5s and i7s... And most games are not really optimized to utilize the 6+ cores AMD likes to throw at the problem.

    In fact, according to, you don't even need an i7 and the performance increase in most games is non-existent. That is NOT to say an i7 is not a great chip (i'm personally getting one myself when I upgrade my current AMD), but that most games have yet to fully utilize its abilities.

    What I'm driving at, as a guy who built computers for a very long time now, is to get a good gaming rig set up you just need to do your research. Throwing money at the problem and getting the most expensive components isn't always going to give you a good ROI on your game performance.

    ATM, an i5 will give you MORE performance in ESO than my AMD 965 with my 770GTX.

    To make ESO look and feel like a PC MMO check out the following:

    PhinixUI addon-powered interface for ESO
  • Syrrisdevlin
    my fps wernt really a problem but I was having serious lag spikes when looting mobs weather it was me or some on in my group as well as during times of high aoe effects same thing my screen would freez up for a few secs then speed render every thing so I thought graphix and went turnd down every thing to I think just below high I used the presets still had the problem so I closed eso and thought maybe its an addon im using some thing that request api info a lot like ftc or similar so I disabled all my addons theres like 16 of them and low and behold it fixed the problem so ive slowly been turning my addons back on and still have not had the problem ive got a few addons still turned of but most the big ones like FTC and wyks are back on so just my problem and solution today ima turn my graphix setting back up and test to see what happens ill continue to check addons as I need them to see if I can single out one that's causing me problems with lag spikes
  • His_Goatness
    Soul Shriven
    Toasting in an epic bread.

    Thanks for this fix suggestion, seems to work very well, at least for me and in pve.
  • hk11
    I cant see where I am really having FPS issues in PvE, but if I run into some I'll give this a shot.
  • Hypertionb14_ESO
    none of this worked for me.

    i have a video of crappy gameplay that i recorded... i had already tried this kind of change before then...
    I play every class in every situation. I love them all.
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