frwinters_ESO wrote: »I use Medium armor for crits and stealth. I do lots of damage and crit a lot and use the shadow mudus for crit damage. Boom stuff dies.
In PvP the stealth bonus saves my life more time then none. also a khajitt so its even better. Even those with magelights need to get pretty close to find me. With Siphoning strikes, doesnt matter if I use more stamina or magica, I get it returned rather well.
Gern_Verkheart wrote: »
First off, what level are you? Everything I just mentioned applies to end game content, which is where it counts.
Gern_Verkheart wrote: »You will never achieve good sustainable DPS with a stamina based build on any class, and your survive-ability in soloing veteran content is next to nill, because there is no stamina based AOE Crowd Control ability, and AOE CC is absolutely necessary in veteran content.
While I don't disagree with you in your initial post, why is this relevant only for end game Nightblades? It should matter no matter what level you are playing the class at. Balance and fixes are just that. They do not apply only to 'end game' builds.
The class also needs help. We have way too many worthless skills. It's funny, on my DK I take most of my class skills, because well, most are useful in some situation. Skills like Summon Shade, Blur, Haste, among others, are completely useless and overshadowed by other skill lines that are available to everyone. Not to mention that only one morph (veil of blades) of our ultimates is good, the rest are subpar. So while I agree that stamina builds need serious attention, many of the class skills of the Nightblade do too.
methjester wrote: »Does Op know about nightblade's multiple broken/bugged class skills? I would suggest looking that up, it's the 400 reply 20k view NB thread. Then maybe come back and edit your rant.
Well then use your class skills ... Why would you need CC with stamina?
If you want to survive long fights you go siphoning combined with Aspect terror or mass hysteria with buff and heal support on the other slot anyway.
You cannot drive insane DPS peaks while CC. Why do you think we have leeching strikes? To fight and survive a very long time with malus to damage.
You cant drive DPS peaks and be last man standing on a long run ...
ESO is not a god mode game for casuals, L2P.
Tannakaobi wrote: »
I would like a duel wielding sorcerer. I have visions of combining bolt and whirling blades to devastating effect. But, meh!
Gern_Verkheart wrote: »
I'm not talking about glitches or bugs. That is an entirely different issue. I am talking about skills that are working exactly as they were designed to, and still not being a viable option.
methjester wrote: »
That actually is THE point. Nightblades may actually be a viable class. However, at least half of our class skills are broken so we just don't know. I'm sure we will still be behind DK's and Sorc's after the fix (which won't come), but until then there's just no way to tell exactly what fully functional class skills will do for us. I agree that stamina builds suck, but I would like to see what working class skills before they tweak weapon skills to empower other classes.
As for now, I'm sick of not being considered because I'm a NB.
Gern_Verkheart wrote: »The real problem with NB's is not their class (although that has some kinks in it), their class abilities are great, and deliver amazing single target DPS, but that right there is the problem: those are their class abilities, which means they use magicka.
The problem with NB's is the same problem with every other class: medium armor and melee weapon attacks are down right terrible.
You will never achieve good sustainable DPS with a stamina based build on any class, and your survive-ability in soloing veteran content is next to nill, because there is no stamina based AOE Crowd Control ability, and AOE CC is absolutely necessary in veteran content. Also, stamina based AOE damage abilities are all very weak, and high AOE damage is absolutely necessary in veteran group content.
If Zenimax fixes medium armor and melee weapon skills, they will have fixed the Nightblade class.
Medium armor needs to have some means of reducing the magicka cost of class abilities. This would help stamina based builds in that they can use their CC's and class based survival abilities, but will still prohibit these abilities from having the raw power of a full magicka based build, thus achieving more balance.
There needs to be stamina based AOE CC. This should have been in the fighters guild tree, similar to how the mage guild tree has one of the best AOE CC abilities in the game. It seems to me like it would have been a no brainer to give the fighter's guild a stamina based counterpart.
Lastly: stamina based AOE damage attacks ("cleave," "whirling blades," "bombard") need to be buffed. Plain and simple.
Gern_Verkheart wrote: »
That will still not address the problem I have been talking about. NB, and any other class, will still be restricted to wearing cloth, and being a caster type DPS if they want to be viable in end game content.
Well then use your class skills ... Why would you need CC with stamina?
If you want to survive long fights you go siphoning combined with Aspect terror or mass hysteria with buff and heal support on the other slot anyway.
You cannot drive insane DPS peaks while CC. Why do you think we have leeching strikes? To fight and survive a very long time with malus to damage.
You cant drive DPS peaks and be last man standing on a long run ...
ESO is not a god mode game for casuals, L2P.
Gern_Verkheart wrote: »Every one of the abilities you just mentioned are great abilites, I'm not saying that they are not, but they all use magicka.
There are no stamina based abilities in the game that come close to the effectiveness of any magicka based ability.
Thats true, but in case of Nightblade class line thats fine.
This means that medium armor is useless, and if you want to be an effective Nightblade, you have to wear light armor and be this "warlock" type build, which is not why most of us started playing the Nightblade; we want to be able to wear medium armor, use dual wield abilities and a bow, and still be just as effective as a cloth wearing caster, plain and simple.
Also, yes you can reach "DPS peaks" while using CC. I do it all the time on my sorcerer by using the CC ability from the mages guild tree.
We all know about missing stamina lines in this game and bad weapon balancing. More lines will come , passives are re worked and as well armor types will be adjusted in a future patch. But this was not about those improvements and balancing it was about class skills.
If you want to AOE in Vet content, you didn't understand the NB.
No problem go play Sorc or DK.
As NB you always pick single targets and they fall real quick while other classes fight all mobs for a certain time. Shortly a lot of damage are incoming.
As well most of your fights avoid damage because of smart cloaking and stun locks.
And solo questing in vet zones forces you to go up against large groups of mobs, making the need to spam AOE CC crucial, which is something a stamina build cannot do, no matter the class.
Gern_Verkheart wrote: »And solo questing in vet zones forces you to go up against large groups of mobs, making the need to spam AOE CC crucial, which is something a stamina build cannot do, no matter the class.
Well thats not really true because you could play a DW whirl wind sorc with medium armor and crit surge (crits heal you) for example and easily combine it with some active class skills that gives you great support for this kind of melee play style.
Thats why you switch gears and skills from time to time because you want to be flexible.
That counts for NB as well.